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typographical and grammatical errors ahead

Main Characters : Solar as Fae
                                    Moonbyul as Cole

Side Character : Tiana

[based on true story]


memories bring back, memories bring back you.

a familiar song was playing at the bar, making Cole think about someone she used to love. she is considered as a cold person but she had her love story too. happiness is nowhere to be found for her but that girl used to be her happy pill.

"Time flies so fast and people are changing slowly but I'm still here at the same place" Cole mumbled to herself while taking a sip of whiskey from the glass.

"Cole? Why are you still here?" Tiana said as she sat down beside Cole.

"You know why I'm still here, I'm still waiting for her..." Cole said the last part in a low voice.

"You're really stubborn, aren't you?" Tiana shaked her head.

"You know how stubborn I am, and I believe she'll be back" Cole ordered another glass after answering back calmly.

"Yah, stop drinking..." Tiana tried to stop Cole from drinking more though she knew she wouldn't be able to.

"I wish she was here, I wanna tell her how much she means to me..." Tiana kept silent as Cole started to talk about her story.

- flashback starts -

"Cole!!" a brown haired girl ran towards as she called out the name.

"Oh,'re here" Cole smiled as she looked at the older girl's excited face.

"Why are you so excited huh?" Cole asked Fae.

"My mum will be back from the US this evening!" Fae said it in excitement.

"Will she accept me though? I'm quite scared..." Cole's face seemed like she was stressed about something coming up.

"She definitely will. I can talk to her about it slowly...!!!" Fae said it as Cole tried to hide her worried face.


"What!? You like girls?" Fae's mother's voice filled the house.

"I just got back home after a long flight and the first thing I hear is that my daughter is a lesbian?"

Fae was surprised at her mum's reaction, she didn't expect this kind of reaction from her beloved mother.

"Who's that girl? Bring her in front of me right now" Cole walked inside the house as soon as she heard what her girlfriend's mum said.

Fae's mother slapped Cole as soon as she got into the house.

"You better break up with her young lady"

"It's Cole.." she said it in a low voice.


"It's Cole, my name."

"Cole or Chole, I don't really care. I just don't want a girl to date my daughter"

"Mum..." Fae tried to break the tension between her mum and her girlfriend.

"Don't mum me for now, you need to break up with her. We never had a lesbian in our family"

Fae dragged Cole to a cafe they usually go.

"Fae! Come back here instantly!"

Fae ignored her mum and kept dragging Cole with her.

"You should go to her guys are meeting after years, spend time with her" Cole tried to convince her girlfriend to talk to her mother.

"But she doesn't like me dating you, she's a homophobic..." Fae said with teary eyes.

"Maybe let's meet after we've achieved our dreams" Cole kissed Fae softly.

"You see that bar there?" Cole pointed to a bar near the cafe.

"Let's meet there after we've achieved our dreams, wait for me there if you achieved your dreams first, I'll do the same, okay?" Cole hugged Fae for the last time.
- flashback ends -

"And it's been five years..I've been waiting for her for over a year?" Cole said it while wiping her tears.

"She's still nowhere to be found but I'll be still waiting for her as I said I would..and I still love her.."

"Yeah, you're really stubborn" Tiana laughed a bit.

"Maybe she'll show up one day, till then, I'll be just missing her while waiting for her at this bar" Cole smiled a bit to her quite silly thought.

"You're literally the owner of this bar now, you can wait for her as long as you want" Tiana replied.

"And all the memories with her will be still with me..."


A/N: sorry, it's kinda short since "writer block"

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