Thought We Would Last Long

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༄ 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱
༄ 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁

It was raining heavily. A girl was sitting by the window, thinking about something that happened to her.

"Time flies really fast...huh?" she said to herself.

Then she took out her phone and looked at a certain picture, her and her girl. To be exact, the girl with her was her girl.

" said you would marry me and spend the rest of your life with me but why?" the thought of her made the girl broke down again. She could feel her tears running down to her cheeks.
"I can't imagine you with another person..."

She started thinking about her past.


"Byul-ah...!!" the shorter girl called out for the brown-haired girl in front of her. That girl turned to her and gave a warm smile which showed all her love.

"Yes, Yong?" she answered with a smile.

That day was their 4th year anniversary. Yeah, it's been 4 years since they started dating.

"Today's a special day, right?"

"Yeah, like very special," Byul leaned and kissed Yong's lips softly.

"We should spend our time for each other, okay? No excuses," her way of talking made Byul smiled.

"Sure ma'am," Byul patted Yong's head.


They went to an amusement park. Yong was like a kid, running around the park.

"Byul-ah...I want ice-cream," Yong said it to Byul cutely.

"Umm...sure which flavour?"

"As you like know I like anything," Yong tiptoed a bit and gave a peck on Byul's cheek.

Suddenly, Yong's phone rang, it was from her dad.

"Hello?" she answered. Byul was curious about what they were talking about because it looked like a serious case.

"What do you mean about that dad?" Yong's voice was shaking, making Byul worried at the same time.

"Byul-ah...I think I need to go, I'm really sorry babe," she kissed Byul, a long but soft one.

"But why?" Byul asked after the kiss.

"I'm not sure about that too, I guess I just need to go to him for now"

"Umm...okay take care babe"

Days passed by. There was no call or text from Yong. It's been two weeks since Yong just left without a proper reason.

Byul was laying on her bed, overthinking.

Her phone suddenly rang. She looked at the caller ID weakly. She picked up suddenly as soon as she knew it was from Yong.



"Babe...what happened? I was really worried about you"

"I'm sorry...I think I need to study abroad"

"What do you mean? Suddenly? Why?"

"My dad wants me to focus on my studies because he'll be handing his company to me soon"

"How long will it take?"

"Two years..."

"I'll wait for you...just take care of yourself"

"I love you, Byul"

"Love you too, Yong"


Time flies really fast, it's already been two years since Yong left the country. Byul was really excited about meeting her girl again after a long time.

She went to a cafe which Yong told her to come.

She saw Yong sitting on a table with a more mature look. She was looking so different, unlike the girl who used to be clingy to Byul.

Byul sat down in front of her.

"How are you, Byul?"

"I missed a lot"

"I did too...but"


"I'm here to tell you something important"

Byul was really nervous for some reason.

"I'm getting married next month so we should break up properly"

Byul didn't know what to say. She thought she would be spending time with her girl after a long time of not meeting up.

"Here's the invitation card, it's okay even if you don't want to come"

Yong stood up and just left the cafe, leaving Byul behind.


The thoughts of her past made Byul cry harder. It's too hard for her to accept the fact that they actually broke up.

As if the sky knew Byul's sadness, it was pouring rain a lot more.

The room was filled with Byul's sobbing sounds.....


Yong was wearing the white wedding dress, looking so beautiful as she always was.

People cheering up as she walked down the aisle. The man was lucky to have a woman who's as beautiful as her.

There was also another girl looking the bride at the corner, Byul.

"You look so beautiful in white," she mumbled to herself.

"You said you would be my wife and I guess that was happily with your man, Yong. But I really thought we would last long," she walked out of the hall as she kept mumbling, letting her tears fell down again.

Guess this is their end.


It's been kinda long since I last wrote a story so I'm sorry for the bad storyline and my weird grammar (and also for the short story) but I still hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading~

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