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solar as lara
moonbyul as aris

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the sun was shining brightly as the two girls walked down the crowded street. it was a busy day for everyone since the holidays after near.

"the weather is too hot, should we go to that shop?" lara said it while pointing to the flower shop across the road.

"sure, let's go there then," aris held lara's hand as they crossed the busy road.

the softness of lara's hand made aris smiled for a bit.
"her hand is like a baby's," she mumbled to herself.

the scent of various flowers could be smelt as soon as they entered the shop.

aris wasn't that interested in flowers so she just followed lara looking at each flower carefully.

"she's really pretty," aris said it in a low voice as she watched lara smelling the roses.

"aris!! isn't this in pretty?" lara showed aris a dark blue rose.

"I didn't know there would be this kind of rose," aris went closer to lara and said it as she put her hands on lara's waist. lara looked at aris when she felt the hand on her waist.

"what?" aris asked while tightening her grip slowly.

"someone might think I'm your girlfriend if you keep doing things like this," lara replied.

"and what if they do? you can just be my girlfriend," aris winked jokingly.

"you're acting weird again," lara pushed aris a bit and went to other side of the shop to look at more flowers.

the florist caught lara's attention as he was causally sitting at his seat while decorating the flower pot. lara kept looking at him as she walked towards the sunflowers which were behind a bunch of flowers. she tried to reach them but she wasn't tall enough. the tips of her fingers almost reached them when someone took the flowers pot from behind, causing her back touched the chest of that person.

she saw the florist as she turned around.

"here's the flowers miss," the florist said softly while handing lara the sunflowers.

"lara," she replied.

"um?" the florist hummed in confusion.

"I mean I'm lara," she offered a handshake.

"I'm devin, nice to meet you," he shaked her hand politely and went back to his seat.

on the other side, aris, who was on the way to help lara with the flowers, saw everything. the look in lara's eyes, the handshake and the way lara smiling....

"aris!" lara called aris who was standing blankly so aris walked towards lara once again after putting her mind to the right place.

"yeah?" aris answered weakly but lara didn't notice it as all of her attention was on devin, the florist only.

aris took the sunflowers from lara and grabbed her waist once again but this time, it hits lara differently. aris tightened her grip so tight as they walked towards the cashier. she put the sunflowers in front of the florist.

"we'll take these," devin started to pack the flowers as soon as aris said it .

"please come here again," devin said it as he smiled sweetly and handed the flowers to aris. aris gave him a stare when lara gave a smile.

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