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Amelias POV~
I woke up to voices and footsteps downstairs. I tensed. I remember what my mama tells me about strangers in the house. I know this isn't mama because she walks quiet, and these people did not. Plus there's only me and my mom that lives here, so there shouldn't be any other people. Especially not in the middle of the night. My mama is an ex-assassin so she have prepared me for this. She said if there's ever strangers in the house and she's not with me, I have to go hide. So I bring my blanky and teddy, his name is Opal, and runs to my hiding spot. A shiver goes up my spine as my bare feet touch the cold floor. There's not much space in the hiding spot, but I'm quite small for my age so I fit just fine.

I open the door to my closet. And then I twist the hidden wall. I go in and close everything. I bring my blanky around me, to keep me safe and cuddle Opal. I get really sleepy, it is in fact the middle of the night. Then I dozed off.

Tony's POV~ 8 hours earlier.
"Ok we really need help here. This is too much" Steve says.

"Yes, where is an assassin when you need one?" I answer, seeing Steve cringe at the remark.
"I mean is she ever planning to come back? When she said she needed to go off the grid, I thought she meant like a few months, a year tops. That's almost six years ago"

"Yes, but how could we find her? We all here know that if Natasha does not want to be found, she does not want to be found" I hear Sam say in behind me.

"I think I might know someone who knows where this assassin is" I said, knowing exactly who would know, if there even is anyone that know.

"Who?" Steve asked

"Can't you guess?" I said and gave him a smirk. "You'll just have to wait and see then I guess"

I took up my phone and dialed the number. The number of Clint Barton.

Clint POV~
I heard the phone ringing in the living room. I put Lila down to run along and play with Cooper.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone and asked. The display clearly showed Tony, but I wanted to you with the man a bit.

"Hello, you know who it is" the other line said

"Ehm, no who is it?" I smirked at Laura who came in and sat down on the couch

"It's Tony"

"Who?" I kept it going

"Oh come on Barton, enough games. We need yo. Can you come to the tower? It's very urgent" Tony muffeled in the other line

"Ehm, I'll see what I can do. I can be there in two hours I think" I answered thoughtfully.
I hung up.

"What did he want?" Laura asked

"He needed me to come by the tower. He said it was really urgent. So I'll go, but I'll be home in not too long, alright sweetie?" I really didn't want to leave my family again, but I kinda had no choice.

"Of course it's fine with me, it's that little girl and boy out in the garden you'll be disappointing..." Laura said and looked at me with sad eyes.

"I know, I really don't want to, but I'll be back in a few days"

-time skip-
Still Clints POV~
When I came in the door, I saw everybody there. Except of course Natasha. My best friend. They all got me up to speed, and told me about how we needed Nat and all. Of course I knew where she was... I was the one to help her get that house. I'm the only one who has her new telephone number... but should I tell them? Nat really could help here. Truly. But then what about her little girl.

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