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*not proofread - all Russian is from google translate*
Thor POV:

We are on our way back to the house I first met mini Natasha. Just now neither will be there. That's weird.

"Clint, you know the little one well. Did you?" I ask Clint.

"Yes. I did. She's the most wonderful little person. "She actually met Lila and Cooper a few times. She and Lila hit it off very well. That little girl does not deserve what she's getting. Neither does Nat"

"I see.. it's horrible, but we will get them back Clint. Do not worry" I console in my best way possible.

Wanda POV: Timeskip: at the house.

We get inside and it's this feeling of melancholy over the house. It's empty. Is this where Nat has been living all this time with her child. Of course it is.

I start walking through the house, taking everything in. I haven't seen this side of Nat. "Did she really live here all alone?" I say out loud.

"Not alone. She had her kid. Her family" Tony says.

"Don't you get it? We were her family! We failed her. Didn't you hear her say that all those times. We were her family and she felt like she couldn't trust us with this" I say clearly upset. "Well except Clint. He didn't fail her the same way" then I walk off. I can't with them sometimes. Love them to death, but they can be a bit suffocating at times.

I continue through the house. Then I get to this picture wall. A lot of pictures throughout Amelia's childhood. Or she's still in that, until the age of four.

One picture in particular sticks with me. Amelia looks so carefree and happy in it.

 Amelia looks so carefree and happy in it

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I continue throughout the house. I get into what seems like Nat's bedroom. I walk through it. That's when I find something. It seems like a picture album of some sort. I open it.

 I open it

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This isn't Amelia

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This isn't Amelia. Could it be.. no. What? Is that Nat? But if it is, who's the blonde small child? Could this be auntie Yey that Lia was talking about?

"Hey guys! I might've found something!" I yell to the others.

Amelia POV:

As I feel myself coming back I'm once again dangling over someone's shoulder. I have bandages on my wounds. I don't know how long I've been dangling like this, but it's probably been a while. The guard start going down some stairs, where the heck is he taking me? Oh no, that's right I'm supposed to be reprimanded, but I don't want to.

I try to struggle a bit and get out of his grip, but my head is so foggy I can't. I don't even think I moved enough for him to understand that I'm awake.

After what feels like forever the guard finally puts me down. My body hits a hard surface. The room is moist and cold. I don't like this at all.

Then I can hear the guard getting something, sounds like metal. Oh no he's gonna tie me down. Nonono this is not good. I try to get up but my body won't listen to me. I'm awake, but at the same time I'm not.

He harshly takes my hand. Stuck. He takes my leg. Stuck. My other arm. Stuck. Then last my leg. Stuck. He gets more metally things. One goes over my waist. One over my chest and one around my neck.

"It's too tight" I manage to get out. My voice sounding small and helpless.

"что это было?" (What was that?) the guard asks in a mean voice.

"Слишком узко" (It's too tight) I answer him.

"Так должно быть. Это не должно быть удобно. Вам делают выговор!" (It's supposed to be. This isn't supposed to be comfortable. You are being reprimanded!) the guard tells me with the same scary tone.

Then it all starts to go blurry. If I just close my eyes for a little bit, things might be better when I'm awake again.

3rd person POV:

A tiny four year old is laying tied down on a big bed. A man is preparing some scary instruments. Another two men enters the room.

"У нас есть новые заказы на девушку. Ей, конечно, сделают выговор. После этого мы отправим ее на место размещения." (We have new orders for the girl. She'll of course be reprimanded. After that we'll ship her off to a placement) One of the men who entered the room said.

"Хорошо. Насколько велико наказание? «Промывание мозгов»?" (Alright. How big is the punishment? Brainwashing?) the guard that was already in the room asked.

"Я заказываю частичное «промывание мозгов» Амелии Романовой. Подробности будут в форме" (I am ordering partial brainwashing for Amelia Romanova. The details will be on the form) Then the guard nods. "Промывка мозгов прилипнет через какое-то время, а тем временем ее потренируют. Всему научил. Так что дайте первую дозу во время этого, а потом мы вернемся к следующей." (It will take a while for the brainwashing to stick, she'll be trained meanwhile. Taught everything about the placement. So give the first dose and then we'll come back for the next one later) Then the two men who entered leaves. Leaving Amelia alone with the scary guard.

Amelia POV:

I wake up from an immense pain in my chest. When I wake up my vision is blurry and I don't totally remember where I am.

"Ah welcome back miss" the man from earlier bends over me then getting ready, stabbing me into my upper arm. I burst into a scream. "Show no pain" he says. I'm confused as to why he's suddenly speaking English, but I can't think about that. The pain is too much.

"Why?" Is all I get out before he goes again. Why is he doing this to me? Why am I here? Are the same two questions that I keep coming back to. Things begin to be quite foggy again after this. All I remember is pain. And a lot of it. He injected me with a lot of different things, hard to keep track. Not that I'm very good at counting yet. I'm still trying to learn, just I want to learn. I wanna go back to school. My normal pre-school. Not this. I want mama.

Wait.. who is mama? No. No I know who she is. I'll never forget. Except..? Do I have siblings? No. No I don't. I'm mommy's miracle. Wait.. I don't know anything anymore. Who's my dad? Wait what's a dad.

Anya. No.. mommy.

Nikolay. No.. daddy.

Inessa. No.. sister.

Mila. No.. also sister.

Amelia. Me. That I know.

Robostokov... family.

Then it's black again. Oh how I hate this blackness. So empty.

Word count: 1117

Sorry this one was a bit short, but some important information was given in this one. What do you think will happen?

XoXo Lena<3

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