Meeting mamas friends

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A/N: in this part you get to see some pictures of Amelia growing up. You get a picture of how it was like for her to grow up. NB! I do NOT own any of the pictures. All of the credit to whomever took them**

Amelia POV:
We took a few steps down the stairs. I cling to mama's leg. There's never been people I didn't know in this house. Not as I can remember anyways.

We make our way down the stairs. When we turn the corner I see a lot of big people. There's this blonde guy, he had long hair and looks kinda weird. Then there's a short person with a very silly beard. He looks like he's full of himself. I can see it by the way he stands. My eyes make their way through the room, I'm still standing safely behind my mothers leg. Holding on tightly. My eyes fall on the only other girl in the room (besides me and mama) she's blonde, like that other man. She seems nice, but I'm not used to strangers.

That's when I see him. My uncle Clint. I look up for approval from my mama. She slightly nods. "Uncle Clint!!" I whisper yell. I take a leap and kind of unsure, but I haven't seen uncle Clint in forever.

"Hey short stuff!" He crouched down, ready to catch me. I run into his arms and he picks me up and I bury my face in his shoulder.

"I missed you" I say barely above a whisper.

"Ditto short stuff, ditto" Uncle Clint says. I shoot him a confused look. "I forget that you're little sometimes. It means 'me too'" Clint let out a small laugh.

"Sooooo, who is this kid?" The man with the silly beard says.

"Lia, why don't you go upstairs and get uncle Clint to tell you a story from one of his adventures? You can meet these people tomorrow. It's late" Mama says to me. I nod and shot her an unsure smile, but hug Clint tightly while he walks past all of these weird looking people.

Thor's POV:
When little Natasha and Mister Clint has left, Tony again asks "Now, it's time for you to explain a thing or two Nat"

"Yeah, alright. I was planning on telling you all. I hope you will understand.." Nat starts. "So that little girl you just met, her name is Amelia Jo Romanoff. She is my daughter" Nat awaited a response.

"Yeah we kind of figured when we saw how she clinger to you" Strange says, talking for the first time.

"But how? Lady Natasha, I thought the place you grew up made it so that you can not be with child?" I asked, being careful where I stepped because I know this is a touchy subject.

"That's what I thought as well. That's what they told me, but when that second line turned up on that stick I knew I had to do anything to protect my baby" Lady Natasha paused. "I didn't want anything to happen to her" She paused before she continued "this was my second chance"

"But why didn't you tell us? We could've helped you. I would've loved to be an aunt Nat" The lady Carol says.

"I'm sorry, I just knew that if I wanted to be sure she would be safe I had to keep her a secret, as in 100%" Nat paused again. Then continued "I only knew I could tell Clint because he could help me find a place off the grid, like with his house"

"Is the dad around?" Mister Tony asked Lady Natasha

"..No.." she sighed.

Natasha POV:
"Is the dad around?" Tony asked. Of course he did.

I thought about what to say for a second. "..No.." I said puzzled.

"You know who the dad is?" He continued

"I think I know. But that is none of your business" I snapped. Tony just smirked.

"How old is the kid?" Carol asks

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