You didn't want them from China?

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Amelia POV: The tower

Now I'm all alone with all of these people I don't know. Strangers. Mama has always told me to not talk to them, and now she left me all alone with a bunch of em?

I stand like frozen from where mama left. Looking the direction she left in. I can't see the plane anymore. Quiet steps can be heard behind me, slowly approaching me. I feel a hand touch my shoulder. I flinch. I didn't mean to, but I don't know this person. I turn around and look up and see a woman. She looks in the same direction mama left in.

Once she notices I'm looking at her, she moves her gaze to look down at me and a warm smile dancing on her lips. I see another person standing behind her. He has white hair. Before I can think I point to him and say "he has white hair" and I laugh. "I like it"

She laughs with me and I realize what I did. So I take a step away from her and immediately stop laughing.

She crouches down to my level and the other guy comes closer. "Hi Amelia. I'm Wanda" she reaches her hand out. I think I'm supposed to take it but I don't know her. I look at her. "That guy with white hair over there is my brother Pietro"

Wanda and Pietro... I guess they seem nice. "Let's go inside huh? It's getting cold out here. We can get something to eat. What do you say?"

I thought about it. I am cold.. and I am kinda hungry. So I guess. I've never been long without mama. "Umm otay" I answer Wanda.

Natasha POV: the Quinjet to Russia

It's been exactly 30 minutes without my baby girl and I regret things immediately. I know she's safe in the tower, but she doesn't know Wanda and Pietro. This is a new place to her and she's never been a night without me. Let alone in a strange place with strange people all alone.

I know Steve is on here.. until now I've been able to hide from him. I don't think I'll be able to for long tho. He still doesn't know that I have a child, I'm so scared to tell him. What if he..? No, Natasha don't think like that.

"What's on your mind?" Clint comes over and asks me.

"Hmm I don't know... maybe the four year old I just left with people she doesn't know in a place she's never been to before?" I say sarcastically and a bit more harsh than I meant to.

"Hey Nat, she'll be fine. Wanda and Pietro will be fantastic with her. She's in the best hands" he tells me.

"The best hands are with her mother! And that's not where she is!" I snap.

"Nat, I know that. 100%. But after that, in this circumstance it is Wanda and Pietro who's the best" Clint tries to calm me down a bit.

I suppose he's right, it does I'm fact calm me down a bit. "They can protect her if anything were to happen... Wanda could fight and Pietro could run away with her" I feel a bit better now. Still feeling bad for leaving her alone for so long as the first time.

Wanda POV: the tower

I got Amelia inside. She still seems scared and caseous, which is totally understandable, but she does seem to understand that her mother trusts us. I don't know how a four year old thinks. But if I were to guess, especially Nat's four year old it would be to think about what her mother would want.

I can't get over how much she looks like Nat. The thing is there's something more similar to her, it's not Nat and I can't put my finger on it. I will probably find out with time. I hope.

"What do you want to do Lia?" I ask the small girl in front of me.

"I want mama" she say, sadness prominent in her voice.

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