Are you leaving me?

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Hey, finally another part. I have had such writers block omg.
I wanted to say that all of the Russian is directly from google translate. I do not speak Russian what so ever, so I truly hope nobody got offended by this <3

Amelia's POV:

I woke up, kind of groggy. Not remembering much from the day before. Then I heard some people out in the hallway talking. I heard uncle Clint's voice, and it all came back to me. The day before, all of the strangers in the house. I heard a female voice as well. One I recognized from the day before.

I stood up, my bare feet hitting the floor when I jumped off my bed. I didn't know these new people so of course they scared me. I stretch over the bed and grab Opal and my binky. Then I make my way to the door. I wanted to get to mamas room, but I didn't want to talk to any of the strangers. I waited till I couldn't hear any of the voices anymore and then I made a run for it.

I almost made it too, but right before I got to mamas room I crashed into something hard. I guess I didn't look where I was going. I fell back and landed on my bum. When I looked up, there was this really really big man towering me. This really scared me. I'm not usually much of a crier, but now that was all I felt like I could do. I just wanted my mama.

Thor's POV:

I was just walking down the hall, trying to find my way to a bathroom type of thing when this tiny mortal bumped into me. I looked down and saw Amelia Natashadottir sitting on her bum. I could see how her lip cuivered and her eyes starting to water.

She was about to cry.

This was not good. I could not make the tiny human cry. I must seem gigantic to this tiny mortal since she is extremely small, like all other mortals, but even smaller if you could imagine. Then it all came down. Amelia Natashadottir started crying.

Natasha's POV:

I could hear cries out in the hall. This could only mean one thing. Amelia. Because I don't think any of the other people in this house would start crying like that. Plus I could recognize that cry anywhere.

I sprint up from my bed and out the door. The sight before my eyes could shock anyone. This big man, I mean god and a really tiny four year old. The four year old sitting on her butt crying and the god standing over her almost crying himself.

"What happened?" I asked Thor confused. He looked over to me with a look that clearly said 'help me, I don't know what to do'

"Mama" I heard a small voice come from behind Thor. I strutted past Thor and Lia immediately started making grabby hands to get picked up. So I did. She laid her head in the crook of my neck.

"Shh detka. It's alright. Mama's here now. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" I asked, my voice soft and sweet.

"Alone." Could barely be heard from her small body. I walk a bit down the hall and into her play room which is right next to my room.

"Alright bug. What happened?" I mean I know why she's scared. All of these strangers, but I needed her to put these things into words.

"Ehm.. I woke up and you weren't there. I wanted you. The people talked outside my room" she was hugging her binky and Opal hard as she talked. "I ran to your room, but the big man was in the way. I fell" that last sentence she said in a lower voice and lowered her head.

I crouched down to her level. "Detka, listen to me. I understand that this is all very new to you, and that you don't know this people. That can be scary, and you are correct to usually keep your distance. And to always find me when you're scared. But I'm telling you these people are so nice. They love you so much already. You know I'd never let anything or anyone hurt you. If I didn't trust these people, they would be long gone. Okay?" I'm hoping she understood all that. She is a really smart kid so I think she did. She looks like she did.

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