I guess I'm not a princess then

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Amelia POV:

I don't know where I am. First I was asleep in my bed. Then I heard something outside. Talking. Then I was here. I'm really scared. I'm shaking. I don't know where mama is. Auntie Yey isn't here either. Not even Wanda. Or Pietro. No one.

I'm in this really dark room, I can't even see my own hands. I wish mama was here. She always was when it was dark. I'm sitting on this type of bed. But it's of metal. I don't like this.

Suddenly the door bursts open. I flinch at the sound and action. Three men comes inside the door. My eyes sting from the sudden burst of light. I hold my hand in front of my eyes. One of the men comes closer to me. The two others stand next to each other on each side of the door. I know some fighting, mama taught me. But I don't know enough to get me out of this.

"Are you the mean men who took my mama?" I ask kinda surprised I did myself. The two men in the back share a look. The one in the front has a stone face basically. "What have you done to my mama?!"

"She's resting, and she's fine, just like you. And she knows you're alright. She sends her love, and she wants you to cooperate with us" the man says obviously faking a sweet tone.

"You're a liar!" I yell at him.

"Now what kind of talk is that from a nice, little girl like you?" The man continues.

"Go to hell!" I scream at the man.

"Oh" the man comes a bit closer. "A very stubborn, nice, little girl" the man stops. "That's all right. I understand. I know you're tired, and you're not quite sure where you are or why you're here. So I just want to ease your mind Lia. You mind if I call you Lia?" I shoot daggers at him. "Alright Amelia. You are here because of your mother"

"What about her" I say back in a tiny voice.

"That's what we want to know. So why don't you tell us more about her?" The man asks. "I'll tell you this Lia. You'd be doing me and all my men a great favor if you'd just cooperate with me"

"I said I would never tell anyone ever again in my entire life! I WANNA SEE MY MOTHER!" I scream at the man.

"Ok" the man sighs. "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way then"

He comes over to me and injects me with something.

Then he left me. It's all dark again. I hate the dark but I like it better this way. I don't understand, why won't he tell me where mama is? I know a princess doesn't cry, but now I really feel like it. You is kind. You is smart. You is important.

I'm starting to feel really drowsy. My head is really heavy. Mama would tell me to go to sleep. So maybe I should? Soon after sleep consumes my tiny frame.

Clint POV:

I failed them. I failed Nat. I failed Amelia. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about Amelia and I did anyways. Worse, I took people to their safe house. I wouldn't want that for my family, why did I do that to hers? I have to get Nat back. For Amelia. I'll take her to my family meanwhile. There she'll be safe. That or perhaps to her aunt. The one she's been talking about, but the only one who knows how to find her is.. well Nat. My family it is then.

While thinking of all this I walk down the hall. I don't want to wake the little girl in the middle of the night. She'll be safe here till tomorrow. The others went to sleep. Tomorrow we are gonna talk strategy to get Nat back. I wish we could go right away, but that's just not an option.

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