All girls are princesses

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Amelia POV:

I run as quickly as my little legs possibly can down the stairs. I can hear my mom from behind me "Amelia! Be careful, don't trip please" she says.

"I am careful. Pwomise" I yell back slowing down a bit. I'm still a bit unsure of these other people so I run over to uncle Clint. He doesn't see me coming so I stop and pull his pant leg. "Uncle Clint?" I ask while looking up at him.

He turns around and crouches down to my level. "Yes my favorite niece?"

I giggle. "I'm your only niece" I think a bit. "Well since I'm your favorite... will watch you.. Ehm Rapunzel wif me?" I stumble a bit with my words but think I did ok.

He smiles while looking me in the eyes. "I'd love nothing more, but I think us adults need to talk a bit first, then I will come. So why don't you go and get the movie ready?"

"Yeah, I can do that. Will you be talking for a long time? And and and can uhm the big man that talks loudly come too?" I ask. I don't remember his name.

"You mean Thor?" I nod as an answer. "I can ask him, but I'll only ask if you come with me. Deal?" He pulls out his pinky finger.

"Deal" I take his finger with mine much smaller one and flash him a toothy grin.

Clint POV:

I walk out from the living room while Lia runs over to the TV. My heart warms knowing she wants to spend time with me. It makes me miss my own children, but I'll see them soon enough.

"Hey guys. I think we need to talk about why we're really here" I say loud enough for everyone downstairs to hear. "Can we all gather in the kitchen please?"

Once everyone is here Natasha takes the word. "Will I finally get to know why you tracked me down, no first you tracked Clint down. Ripped him away from his family. Then you make him take you guys to me and now you're in my home. Meeting my daughter. You better have a damn good reason" she says harsh.

"We do" Tony says. "Believe us we do"

"I think you'd be rather interested in this Natasha" Strange says.

"Yeah, I think it'll be something that will be so important to you" Carol adds.

"Sooo is anyone going to fill me in on this, or are we just going to keep me in the dark?" Natasha asks a bit frustrated. "And I want to hear it from Clint. He was the one that broke his promise to keep my location a secret. So this better be good"

I sighed. "Nat I'm sorry, but I know you'll understand" she shot me a tight lipped smile. "Nat. I-it's Hydra" I start.

"What about Hydra?" She shoots.

"They've started taking girls again. Now with a greater cause. We're not quite sure yet, but we know it'll mean the death and torture of a lot of people" I think a bit before I add. "And because of this I was also thinking about Lia. They're bound to find out about her, maybe they already know. She needs all the protection she can get"

I can see on Nat's face she's contemplating yelling at me for bringing in Lia. But she know deep down I'm right. The others did not expect me to bring in Amelia. At all.

"I still don't understand. What do you need me for?" Nat asks, now more general than only me.

"Hydra has changed location from where we last knew they were and we have reason to believe that, that is one of the many places you are held. But for a longer period of time" I pause. Then continue. "We know the general location, but only you will know the exact. Once we're there we have no idea where they keep the girls. Some of S.H.E.I.L.D's agents have been captured, so we have to get them out as well"

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