Step forward

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*not proofread*
Clint POV:

"NO! It's not possible. She was supposed to be here. She was supposed to come home with us. Why isn't she here?!" I start yelling.

"Hey, Clint. We'll find her. If she isn't here, then she's somewhere else. We're the avengers for god's sake, we'll kick these people's asses" Pietro says.

"You should become a motivational speaker" I say and he lets out a small laugh.

"Who'd then get you out of your freak-out" he points out. "But seriously, we'll find her. We'll find both of them"

"She wasn't here" I say into my ear piece.

"Not here either" Steve answers.

"We've been through this whole building. She's not here" Tony let's us know.

"If Nat were here, she's search this whole thing at least three more times" I state.

"Then that's what we'll do" Wanda says.

"Alright, but now we'll change up the places we take. You know, new set of eyes on things or whatever the saying is" Pietro says.

"Alright, let's go" Tony and Steve says at the same time.

Amelia POV:

I listen to hear if the guy coming in says anything. "Это Наталья, она сбежала. Она придет за Амелией, также база Z подверглась нападению. Нам нужна дополнительная защита для девушки" (it's Natalia, she escaped. She'll be coming for Amelia, also Base Z has been attacked. We need extra protection for the girl) the new person whispers to the guard that followed me. Has mama escaped??

"Понятно. Она будет идти в яму всякий раз, когда она не тренируется или ничего не делает с классом. Она сейчас вернется к тренировкам, потом выговор, дырка." (I see. She'll go in the hole whenever she's not training or doing anything with the class then. She'll go back to training now, then reprimanded, then the hole) the original guard says. It goes cold down my back. What's the hole?

I flush the toilet and slowly walk out to wash my hands. He grips firmly in my shoulder and I flinch. "Но я должен мыть руки." (But I have to wash my hands) I say.

He loosens the grip and I walk over to the sink. Wash them quickly then I'm ready again. And the grip is back. The other guy walks with us as well. I don't wanna go back. I wanna go home with mama and stay there foreva.

Then it was back to training.. I'm scared. The other kids are a lot bigger than me, and they've been here longer. When we get back in I'm put into the line.

Two and two go onto the mat together. These people are making us fight each other. But I don't want to fight. Mama only taught me so much. After a few pairs it's Maya's turn. She gets another 10 year old. When they tell you it's your turn they call your name and age.

"Теперь, Майя, десять, и Алина, одиннадцать, выходите вперед." (Now, Maya, ten and Alina, eleven, step forward) so they both do. Luckily for Maya they're about the same size. Alina might be a little bit taller. I think, it's hard to tell from this angle. "Начинать." (Start) Madame B continues.

Alina throws the first punch. I know I've barely talked to her, but I'm scared. I hope she wins. I'm sorry to this Alina girl but I don't know her at all. I can feel my eyes water. Tears threatening to spill. "A princess doesn't cry" I whisper to myself. A tear falls anyways. I am quick to dry it off.

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