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*all Russian is from google translate*
Amelia POV:

We danced till we physically couldn't stand anymore. The first people to fall would be beaten and escorted out. What happened to them after that?

I bit my tongue and continued dancing until we were allowed to stop. It has to have gone hours.

"Leave." The man says to us. Then as we're escorted out I can hear my name being called from the woman.

"Amelia Romanova. Stay" she says sourly.
So I stay. She steps closer to me and puts her hand on my chin forcing my head upwards. "Daughter of Natalia. Interesting" her Russian accent is prominent. "ты знаешь танец?" (You know the dance?)

"да, мама научила меня" (yes, mama taught me) I answer her. She lets go of my head.

"Я мадам Би, и вы будете относиться ко мне именно так. Это Иван." (I am Madame B and you will refer to me as such. This is Ivan) the woman introduces herself and the other man in the room.

Ivan steps closer to me. Madame B let's go of my face. "вы не будете говорить, пока к вам не обратятся. мы будем уважительны и не покажем боли" (you will not speak unless spoken to. You will be respectful and you will show no pain) He tells me with his face inches from mine. "это ясно?" (Is that clear?)

"да" (yes) I answer him.

"хороший. ты можешь уйти" (Good. You can leave) He paused. "ты! следуй за ней в ее группу" (you! Follow her to her group) He says while pointing to one of the guards behind him.

The guard walks over to me. He then puts a firm hand on my shoulder. I shoulder. Why do these people have to be so scary? I do not like it here at all. I wanna go home.

He walks me back to the room I found the leo tard in, just now there's a new set of clothes on that bed. It's a plain set of tight pyjama type things. I slowly start making my way through the room after the guard gave me a small push. All of the other girls just stand there staring at me until the man yells. "Возьми это. Сейчас же!" (Take it on. Now!)

I do. All the other girls are now laying on their beds on their backs. Arms straight down and the thin blanket neatly laying over them. All of their leotards are laying on the floor besides the bed.

I quickly change into the clothes and lay the same way as everyone else. Soon two guards march into the room. They go to each their side and starts to handcuff the girls' hands to the railing. They slowly come closer. Once the guard on my side comes to me he harshly takes my hand over to the handcuff. He puts it on, but my hand slides right through it again. It's to big.

He makes a sign to one of the guards outside. The man comes inside. "нам нужен специально сделанный. Тот, который мы сделали поменьше, на всякий случай." (We need the special one. The one made smaller, just in case)

The other man pulls out a much smaller set from his pocket. The guests changes the one already there with the new one. Then he puts my hand to it. It's still a bit loose, but I can't get my hand out. Then he moves on.

Once they're done, all the men turn on they're heals and march back outside. Then the heavy metal doors close.

I can't sleep. Not now. This is scary and I want mama. As I'm laying here awake, I think most of the other girls are asleep. After awhile of me just laying there, two men comes into the room and gather the leotards, changing them out with other outfits. Then they leave.

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