Chapter 17 - Quiet

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Once they were calm, Nightmare backed away from Error's brothers. He went back over to blue who promptly picked him up and gave him back to Dream. Neither Geno nor Fresh even noticed the fact Nightmare was tiny. They were too distraught over knowing their brother was gone. That's when an idea popped into Blue's mind. He looked over to Nightmare, who was perched on Dream's shoulder, before quietly asking "Night, doesn't Error have Determination?". Nightmare simply looked down when he heard that question. He knew what Blue was trying to imply with that question. With his voice still raspy and broken, he responded. "Yes, however he doesn't have enough to reset". The hope in Blue's eyes faded when he heard that response, he just couldn't accept the fact his friends were gone.

The five fell silent. It was tense and nobody wanted to speak due to fear of making things worse. Nightmare just leaned against his brother's head, he was tired. Dream finally noticed how exhausted Nightmare looked and moved him from his shoulder into the pocket he had made earlier. Within a few moments, Nightmare was fast asleep in the hammock like pocket. Blue watched Dream carefully move his brother and recommended that the duo went back upstairs. Dream nodded in agreement and began to leave the room. Nightmare swayed slightly as Dream walked down the winding hallways. It wasn't the shaking that it was earlier, this was calm and relaxing. The sound of rain hitting the walls echoed throughout the mansion giving off an oddly calming sound.

Dream soon reached his brother's room. He took Nightmare out of the pocket resting him on the bed. It was kinda funny to see such a small man on a giant bed. Dream chuckled at the sight and went to close the windows. As Dream pulled the dark colored curtains closed, the room grew darker and darker. The only light that was left was a candle in the corner of the room that had been running for months. The candle looked weak and ready to just give up. Dream went and picked up the candle before extinguishing the flame with a puff of air. The room was not mostly dark. Dream was slightly surprised to see that he could see just fine despite the lack of light. The room he was looking at had almost a yellowish tint to it, but he knew the tint wasn't there. Almost nothing in the room was even slightly yellow. He decided to just ask Nightmare about it when the morning came. He approached the bed lifting up one of the covers causing Nightmare to whine when the cold air hit him. Dream chuckled and got under the covers. He looked over at Nightmare and carefully picked him up, placing him on his chest. He was always slightly scared when he handled Nightmare. He didn't want to hurt his brother again and with Nightmare's size, he was fragile.

As Dream began to drift to sleep, he heard the whisper one more time. "Goodnight" it spoke. With a soft tone, Dream responded by thanking whatever was helping him. The whisper had begun to sound a lot more masculine than it did before. Dream wanted to know more about the whisper, it was clear it wasnt from Nightmare, so that left Dream confused. The more he pondered, the more tired he became. He felt the goop covering his bones begin to drip down to the bed almost making Dream look deformed. Dream had font to sleep, therefore the goop had gone to sleep. Nightmare's goop didn't go to sleep despite the fact Nightmare was asleep. The goop was focused on recreating Nightmare's skeleton, if it went to sleep, the skeleton wouldn't form nearly as fast. At the current moment, chances are the skeleton would have just fallen apart. The skeleton that the goop was creating had all 206 bones, however each bone was like a piece of paper. Some bones, like the femur, were about a pencil's width, but not nearly as durable as the wooden tool.

Blue stood in front of the door and slowly creaked it open. He smiled when he saw the two guardians fast asleep. He went back downstairs and instructed Geno and Fresh to follow him up to Error's old bedroom. While yes, there were spare bedrooms, he figured they would rather sleep there. When the three got to the room, Geno started to look through the very minimalistic room while Fresh just went straight for the bed. Blue gave them a warm smile as he shut the door behind them. He let out a small sigh of relief before looking out the window. He watched the rain violently hit the greyish glass. After a moment, he started walking down to the basement.

It was a long walk to the basement but when he got there, he spotted an out of place door. That door was where Blue had wanted to go. He heard the whispers mumbling the closer he got to the door. It was nothing he wasn't used to hearing. Blue opened the door and stepped into the underground maze. It was the same network of tunnels Dream had stumbled upon earlier. Unlike Dream, Blue knew the maze very well and didn't even bother to try and find a map. He was used to the changing wall types, the odd smells, the whispers. It was normal for him. Dream had entered the laboratory side of the maze. That was where tests were done and machines were built. The walls, floor, and roof of that area were coated with concrete to keep things neat. Blue had entered the abandoned part of the maze. The walls were dirt and everything was pretty much falling apart. Blue didn't mind this though, he was used to walking around this part.

He walked on for quite a while passing many different parts of the maze. None of it was new to him. He soon came to a ladder and began to climb upwards towards the surface. Blue could hear the water hitting the manhole cover as he pushed it off the ground. He crawled out of the manhole coming up to the street where the kids' friends lived. He moved the manhole back in place before running onto the deck of a house. It was the same house they had dropped the kids off at earlier. After a moment, Blue knocked on the door. It took awhile for the family to answer, but when they did the trio of children immediately ran out to hug Blue. They began to pelt him with questions about what he was doing earlier. Avoiding the questions, Blue dragged the kids over to the manhole and instructed them to go inside. The three did as they were told. Once all three were inside, Blue followed the kids down to the bottom.

Blue led the kids back to the mansion while talking to them the entire way there. He avoided any question about what he had been doing earlier that day and why they had to hide. He gave a weak chuckle at the children's innocence. The group soon entered the mansion the same way blue had exited about half an hour before. Debug and Tenpatch were both giggling about something while Taipan stayed right by Blue's side. The three kids all went upstairs when they were instructed to go to bed leaving blue along in the basement. Once he was sure he was alone, Blue sat down right beside the door they had just come from. He pondered the question he asked Nightmare earlier trying to Figure out any loophole to get Error back. He knew revival would be nearly impossible for Horror, Dust, Killer, or Cross, but Error had a chance. If he had enough Determination he would be able to reset. Blue tried to think of how they could get the destroyer back. He didn't know if it was possible to give someone who was already dead Determination.

Blue sat for about an hour before getting up. He went back upstairs to the main floor of the mansion. The sound of rain hitting the walls still echoed and only got louder. He was about to go up another flight of stairs when everything became black. He could still feel the stairway's railing and hear the rain. Like the rest of the town, the mansion had finally lost it's electricity. Blue sighed at the sight of the blackout before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. The light from his phone glared into Blue's face as he turned on the flashlight. Without the electricity, the torches on the walls couldn't burn. Nightmare had made an extinguishing system that activated when the lights went out to stop people from taking the torches off the wall. While no, it didn't make much sense, that was still how it was. He had gotten tired of the torches being lost around the mansion. Only the hallways were lit with the torches, other rooms in the mansion were lit up with actual electrical lights.

Using his phone for light Blue went into one of the many bedrooms of the mansion. He flopped down on the bed not even bothering to get under the sheets. Laying in that exact position, Blue fell asleep not bothering to turn his flashlight off. The mansion was still and silent, almost too silent.

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