Chapter 46 - Scabs

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Nightmare's shoulders sunk as Blue gave his response. It wasn't what he wanted to hear, it wasn't the reassurance Nightmare had been looking for. He felt hopeless and empty. "Blue I don't know who I am without my team. They are like family to me. Hell they bought me a '#1 Dad' cup" Blue smiled a bit at the cup comment but still felt guilty for not being able to give Nightmare the support he needed. Letting his smile fade, Blue kneeled down to give Nightmare a hug. Nightmare let it happen seeing as he desperately needed a hug.

Error glanced back towards the mansion before turning around completely and letting himself land on the porch. He grabbed the doorknob of the manion before pulling it open. The door opened with a creak and slammed shut behind Error. The glitch silently roamed the halls as he thought about what he would do. At this point he wasn't even sure if he could trust Blue. The Stars seemed so cruel only for everything to turn out to be manipulation. He didn't like the storyline that had been happening. It was all too cliche for it to sit right with him. The Gaster that had been "manipulating" Ink didn't even know about the bad sanses as far as Error knew. Something about the entire story didn't feel right to Error.

Dream comforted Ink as the burnt skeleton tried his best to fall asleep. The creator clung onto Dream's tentacle while another rested over his body to relieve the pain. Once Dream was sure Ink had completely passed out, he slowly slid his tentacles out of Ink's grasp. He quietly double checked drawers, pockets, and anything in the room for spare red vials that could have been hidden. He knew the gaster was dead but it was better to be safe than sorry. Dream didn't find anything searching the room so he quietly opened the door and turned off the lights on his way out. Ink was left alone in the room quietly sleeping.

The door to the infirmity silently opened as Error stepped into the room. He had passed by Dream as he entered the room. The two gave a mean glance to each other. Dream wasn't expecting the cruelness back. He only glared to tell Error not to hurt Ink. Dream turned around only to watch the doorway shut behind Error. He stepped forward and tried to open the door just to find it locked. Dream turned himself into a puddle to try and slide under the door only to find that it had a piece of rubber on the bottom of it that created a watertight seal. Intended to prevent flooding but really inconvenient to Dream. That didn't sit right with Dream, but there wasn't anything he could do. He stood back up staring at the door with a worried expression. He kept walking down the hall after staring for a few moments.

Error opened the second door to get into Ink's temporary bedroom. It was cold and a bit too colorful for Error. He carelessly flipped the lightswitch on before going to the ceiling fan and stopping the rotation. The light being turned on was enough to wake up the creator. Since Dream wasn't there to relieve the pain, he almost immediately began to tear up. He hadn't seen Error standing beside him yet. Ink whined as he just wanted to get back to sleep. "Shut it, Squid." Ink was certainly startled to hear Error of all people. His head shot up, his eyes locking with Error's. One of Inks pupils had shifted to a dark purple color while the other was a light blue tone. The two colors representing both pain and fear. Error's expression was the same one he wore when destroying, cold and blank showing little to no emotion. Ink felt weak when Error wouldn't stop glaring like that. He hated that face. It made Ink feel small and weak despite him being ready to cause a war a week ago. He had nothing to protect himself. Error noticed how uneasy Ink was and found it somewhat amusing.

"Give me your hand Squid" Ink looked a bit worried not wanting to get any closer to Error. HE was the reason he was like this. Error just got more upset by this and repeated his demand. Something was telling Ink to not trust Error even though he never really did. A scab tore off of Ink's arm as he took his hand away from the bed and towards Error. The tearing of the scab burned causing Ink more pain then he was already in. In response, Error not-so-carefully grabbed Ink's wrist before yanking the creator towards him. Ink caught himself with his other arm to keep him from faceplanting off the bed. As Error pulled onto the creator's arm, scabs on the side of his body also began to tear off. Ink was left on the corner of his bed dripping in blood. He only had his legs and the one hand to hold him up. Tears fell from Ink's eyes as the pain coursed through his body. "You look pathetic, get off the bed." Error let go of Ink's hand before going over to the other side of the bed and opening what seemed to be a linen closet. Ink got off the bed slowly trying to not tear as many scabs. He used the hospital gown to cover his pelvis as he slowly got to his feet beside the bed. His legs and arms shook as he tried to balance himself where it wouldn't hurt as much. Blood from the torn open wounds began to slowly cover the floor.

Error walked back to the bed before yanking off the sheets off the bed. Sheets were stiff where the scabs had been stuck. Ink stumbled over to the bedside table so he could lean on something to help support his body. He only got to rest for a moment before Error had thrown a set of folded up clean sheets towards him. "Put the damn sheets on yourself. I'm not going to do everything for you." The impact hurt Ink's wounds causing a light stinging feeling. The sheets landed by Ink's hands after hitting the creator. He grabbed the no longer neat stack before looking over at the bare bed. There were some clear blood stains on the mattress from where the creator had been lying. Error stood in the corner glaring at Ink, though he couldn't hide the smile he got from watching the creator suffer. It took Ink some time before he could get the strength to stand and walk over to the bed.

"It hurts.."
"Get over it, Squid."

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