Chapter 10 (Year 5 part 3)

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It wasn't long after the match that Harry grew tired of the lack of teaching, and with the extra time on his hands after being banned from quidditch it seemed he was ready to do something about it. Word had begun to be spread just before the our weekend trip to Hogsmeade of a meeting with Harry, it seemed everyone knew about it, well almost everyone, the Slytherin house seemed to be none-the-wiser. No one knew why we were meeting at the Hogs Head of all places, but it seemed that everyone showed up. The small place was packed with many familiar faces, loads of Gryffindors, a few Ravenclaws, a few Hufflepuffs and oddly enough one Slytherin. A girl, with black curly hair, bright green eyes and skin as pale as a sheet of parchment. Her face was angular and everything about her screamed beautiful. She was dressed in all black, a black dress, a black leather jacket with many buckles, a pair of tall black socks and even a pair of black tall boots. I thought surely, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but she sat beside Fred, George and I and looked at us with a begrudging smile.

"Camilla Vang. Pleasure." She said quietly, clearly fighting the urge to turn her nose up at us before turning her head back round to face the crowd, sizing up the room. I recognized her from around the castle. A year older than I, a bit of a loner, spent most of her time in the astronomy tower.

"Daphne Delaney." I said back politely, smiling and elbowing the two boys to do the same.

"Yes...I'm well aware...and you two are the Weasley twins. I think Weaselbee said your names are Fred and George...not going to bother pretending I know which of you is which. I'm sure your little cheerleader here can fill me in on how to tell you apart later. I just figured of everyone in the room, you three seemed the most...accepting...seeing as my house was clearly not wanted..." She gestured towards the room to emphasize her point of being the only Slytherin. I watched her every movement. She was confident, sat with her chest puffed out and her head held high, something I envied quite a bit. I wanted to ask her why she had come if she didn't feel welcomed but before I could open my mouth Hermione came over.

"Who is this?" She asked glaring at the Slytherin girl.

"Camilla Vang." I answered already sensing the raised temper in Hermione's tone, hoping I could sooth her temper and avoid any fighting.

"Why is she here?" I opened my mouth to defend the girl but was left speechless, I hadn't known how she had found out about our meeting, Hermione had overseen invitations so if Hermione didn't know the girl it made no sense as to how she had found out about the meeting.

"What am I not invited to join your little club? Simply because I dress in green and silver you think I'm evil and can't be trusted?"

"No! That's not at all what she thinks." I started.

"Yes. That's exactly what I think. Slytherins have done nothing but hurt and abuse other houses for as long as I can remember so no, you're not welcome."

"Hermione!" Ron called, frustratedly joining the conversation. "I'm sorry." He said to the girl. "She's a bit testy sometimes when she feels uneasy and everything about today has her feeling uneasy." He turned back to our frizzy haired friend. "Hermione, Cho asked me to invite her. Said they were partners in Umbridge's class, and she was just as displeased as the rest of us. Cho trusts her...Harry said if Cho trusts her that he does."

"So, you went behind my back to invite her Ron?"

"Only because I knew you'd act this way!" She threw her arms up in disgust and stormed off to the front. "I'm really sorry about her." He said offering the girl an apologetic smile.

"Nothing I'm not used to." She said still not having moved from her seat. "You might want to scatter though; your little girlfriend looks mighty unhappy you're over here with me. Don't want to piss her off anymore than you already have." She said with a laugh turning back to me. "And anyway, I believe I'm capable of making friends here. Right?" She asked in a harsh way, a glare pointed at me and the boys. George instinctively wrapped his arms around me, but I shrugged them off and smiled at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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