Chapter 5 (Year 4 part 2)

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"Wakey Wakey!" Mrs. Weasley said throwing the curtains open, I groaned at the now bright light shining onto my face. "This is why I told you we needed to get some proper sleep last night dear." She looked at me, smiling as she shooed me from the bed. "I already let you three sleep in a bit later seeing as I knew you were all up gossiping well past when I said to go to sleep. It is now almost half past nine and we have to get you all dressed, packed, fed and out the door in one hour. Now, hop to it ladies." Ginny pulled the blanket over her head to block out the light, mumbling something about only a few more minutes. Mrs. Weasley strode over to her and pulled the blanket from her bed entirely, walking out of the room with it.

"Well I guess I'm awake now." She grumbled, sitting up on the bed. She never was a morning person, and today wasn't going to change that. I however had jumped from my bed and was pulling on a black t-shirt that fell exactly to my waist along with a pair of black tights and a yellow plaid a line skirt and my tall black boots, ran a quick brush through my hair, placed a solid yellow bandana on my head as a hat sort of thing and ran out the door.

"Goodluck!" I heard called from behind me. Usually I would have stayed up there until Ginny finally got herself out of bed, I would have danced around and sang and enjoyed myself in the morning to really wake up in the best mood, but today was different. Today was the day I was going to finally tell George I loved him, tell him everything because after that kiss I knew he felt things for me too. I practically jumped down the stairs to get to him, he was a floor below Ginny's room, but I didn't have time to waste. I hesitated at the bottom of the stairs, trying to gather my thoughts and catch my breath, I stood there listening, there was no laughter, that usually meant the twins weren't there, I looked at the clock on the wall, the twins never missed breakfast and it was getting late as Mrs. Weasley had said. I stumbled my way into the room, looking around for the twins, as I had thought they were missing.

"Good morning." Ron muttered; his mouth stuffed with Mrs. Weasley's homemade waffles. I didn't pay any attention, walking to look out the door to see if George was outside. Harry looked at me, trying to figure out what I was doing. "Good morning." Ron said again, pulling my attention back to him.

"Huh? Oh...good morning Ronnie." I glanced back outside; the twins were nowhere to be seen.

"Care to tell us what's going on?" Ron asked, pulling the seat out beside him.

"Where's George?"

"Why do you care? We never get a moment together anymore..." Ron looked a bit upset, I smiled at him and sat down in the seat he had opened for me.

"You're right. I can talk with him later." I wrapped my arms around Ron's neck, squeezing him a bit. "How are you today Ronnie?"

"I'm great, mum made my favorite." He said placing a waffle on my plate, gesturing for me to eat. I took a bite and looked at Harry, he looked a bit more concerned than he usually did, which was saying something since he always looked a bit nervous.

"How are you Harry?" I asked, we still weren't very close, but I knew that his friendship made Ron happy and Ron's happiness meant a lot to me, therefor Harry meant a lot to me.

"Me? I'm doing swell."

"Harry?" I knew he was lying but the look he gave me said to drop it, so I nodded. I turned to look at Ron, moving some hair back from his face, it had gotten incredibly long over summer. If I were being honest, it suited him well, but I'd never tell him that, his head would grow to twice the size of a pumpkin. "I can't believe your mum is letting you go back with hair like this." I said as I pushed it back with my fingers running through it.

"Piss off Daphne." He said shoving my shoulder with a smile. I heard giggling from the stairs, it was the girls, but I had hoped they were laughing at the twins who would follow them down, but it was just the girls.

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