Chapter 2 (Year 2)

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I hadn't gotten to spend much time at the burrow over summer, Ron wrote me a lot but dad had pushed me down the stairs when I had gotten home, yelling about me leaving him for Hogwarts and how I couldn't go back. He had also thrown a glass bottle at my head which left chunks of glass on the stairs, so when I fell I ended up with cuts and bruises all across my body and a black eye, and all of the medical magic I could have used required either ingredients I didn't have or the ability to use magic outside of Hogwarts which I couldn't so I spent most of summer waiting for injuries to heal. It killed me not getting to catch up with Ron like we had planned, we had fallen apart so badly this year that we needed some time together, just the two of us. So, the morning that we had planned to go to Diagon Alley I was up at dawn. I had packed my case the night before and by the time the sun had fully gotten into the sky I was on my way. The burrow was a bit of a walk, but it was one that I made so often as a child that it came easily. I wasn't due to the burrow until noon, but I was too excited to see my friends and to be rid of my father for another school year, I left early.

I arrived at the burrow as the boys had set off to do their chores. The twins saw me first, spotted me from in the tree they were climbing.

"Ronniekins! Your girlfriend is here!" They sang, his head turned, and we locked eyes. I dropped my luggage and ran to him, knocking him over as I threw my arms around him, we landed in a pile on the ground, but it didn't matter, we laid on the ground together both laughing too hard to get up.

"What is all this noise- Daphne dearie!" Mrs. Weasley said called from the kitchen, popping her head out the window as Ron and I got back to our feet. She came rushing outside and wrapped me in a hug, Ginny following close behind. The twins dropped from the tree and came over.

"Hi everyone." I giggled as the twins looped arms around my shoulders.

"What are you doing here?"

"You aren't supposed to be here for hours."

"Can't a girl miss you without getting the third degree." The twins looked at each other then back at me.

"No." They said in unison.

"Come on you two, share her with the rest of us." Ginny pulled me away from the twins. "We all know she's only here to see one person anyway." Ron smiled and she playfully punched his arm. "I meant me you ninny."

"Sorry boys, when she's right, she right." They all rolled their eyes. As she led me up to her room, I saw luggage sitting by the steps. Before I could ask who else had come over, I saw the familiar dark-haired boy from last year. The one who had stolen Ron from me.

"Oh, hello Daphne." He smiled passing Ginny and I on the stairs, stopping at the landing and turning around to look back up at us. "I didn't know you were coming." I nodded in his direction but thankfully Ginny didn't stop pulling me up the stairs, so I didn't have to talk with him for long. We sat in her room and she asked me about what happened with Ron because he wouldn't tell her much about it.

"He's a right git. And that girl!" She sat down angrily, throwing her hands in the air like her mother, I had to fight a laugh, if anyone ever compared her to her mother she'd surely explode. "No wonder Fred and George wouldn't leave him alone all summer."

"What do you mean?"

"They were harder on him than any of the rest of us. Set off dungbombs in the bathroom when he went to shower, fake spiders in his shoes – which was only mildly funny when they did it but the next day Ron saw another one in his shoes and shook the shoe into his hand thinking it was another rubber one from the twins but it was real, he screamed like a baby when it started crawling on his arms."

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