Chapter 3 (Year 3)

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"GEORGE WEASLEY!" I shouted running down the stairs after the twins, Ginny right behind me laughing as we ran. "You're dead!"

"That's only if you catch me darling." He said as he ran around the couch, Fred dove over it, narrowly escaping my grasp.

"When I catch you." I grunted, following the dive Fred had just made, only for them to run around to the side I had just been on. They had grown at least a foot taller over the summer, their hair had grown quite a bit as well, now falling to about halfway down their necks. The sun they had been getting all summer had lightened their hair and given them even more freckles than they already had, and George had gotten himself quite the tan over summer, and was looking quite handsome, however in this moment he looked like a boy who was holding my diary and reading passages from it. I growled as they ran out the back door, Ginny still following, but laughing too hard to help me in anyway. They were at least a foot taller than me now so their long legs carried them much farther and much faster than I did, but they weren't worried about their crush finding out that he was in fact their crush like I was so their adrenaline wasn't pumping the same way mine was. That was the only thing that gave me any where near the speed I needed to catch up to them.

"Dear Diary, today Mrs. Weasley told us we're going to take a trip to Egypt to go see Bill, I hadn't realized how much I missed seeing the big oaf until she said it but now I just can't stop thinking about how much I have to tell him." George read, barely missing the tree as he did.

"Aw, sounds like Daphne has a crush on our dear brother!" Fred cried, knocking over a barrel in an attempt to slow me down. "Skip to the next page, maybe she admits it."

"He had me laughing for what must have been hours, never easing up, him and Fred, back and forth, I thought I may bust a gut from laughing as hard as I did, drove Mrs. Weasley crazy though. The daggers in her look as she shushed us over and over. But I couldn't help it, the boys put on quite the show."

"Aw! How cute! She thinks we're funny! Let me see Georgie!" Fred said grabbing the book from George, not missing a beat.

Oh no! I wrote that right when we went shopping for new robes, which means the next thing I talk about it how tall and handsome I thought George looked that day! I dodged the barrel and picked up speed, getting close enough that I could almost reach George. He stumbled a bit looking for something juicy to read, not hearing how close I was.

"Oh diary, I couldn't help but notice how much he has changed, he's gotten taller, stronger, his muscles were practically ripping out of the sleeves of his now too tight shirt, his soft baby face, now much more adult and his hair, a beautiful copper masterpiece, it falls so perfectly, a bit in his face which causes him to brush it back with his fingers. It feels like my whole chest is filled with butterflies when he does that. When he looks at me, I can't help the blush that spreads across my cheeks, he's just so amazing, diary I think I may have a crush." Fred read aloud, I was gaining speed quick, so he passed it off to George.

"I think I may have a crush. A big fat crush on-" I had to risk it. I jumped and grabbed him, knocking him to the ground with me falling on top of him. I ripped the diary from his hands and he pouted his bottom lip, sending the butterflies in my chest into a full flutter, but I couldn't give into that look or else him and Fred and Ginny and the whole world would find out that over the summer I had developed feelings for George freaking Weasley. I tried to pull myself off of him, but he had other plans, having rolled over so that he was facing me, he wrapped his hands around my waist and began tickling me.

"Fred! Hurry! Get the book!" I squealed and giggled as he tickled me but kept the book close, which was hard seeing as when I'm tickled all I can do is flail my limbs around and try to fall to the ground hoping I can squirm out of the ticklers grasp. But this time George was having no parts of me squirming to my freedom, he had his muscular arms wrapped around me and he even wrapped his legs around mine, holding me even tighter too him as he mercilessly tickled me. If it wasn't for the fear of my crush on him being exposed I would have enjoyed being held by him, feeling the way his muscles flexed against my 'struggles' but I couldn't think about that in this moment, I had to find a way to protect my secret. I looked for Ginny, hoping I could get the book to her but she was doubled over, laughing as uncontrollably as I had been on the plane, it was the affect Fred and George had on people. I looked around searching for an escape when it hit me, I shoved the book down my shirt, the safest place I could think of at the time, and used my now free hands to try and pry George off of me. Not that I necessarily wanted to move, I enjoyed how close I was to him but I had to protect the diary, my secret and if I blushed any harder there was a chance that I may bust a blood vessel or something. Finally, Mrs. Weasley came out to see what the fuss was all about and found us all outside.

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