Chapter 4 (Year 4 part 1)

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George spun me around the room, singing a song so quiet only we could hear it. We moved across the floor, each step in perfect time to his singing. We were graceful, each twirl, each dip, each lift, like we had been dancing together our entire lives. I laid my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes listening to him sing. I couldn't think of anywhere I'd rather be then right there, wrapped in George's arms. I didn't care what else could possibly happen around us, the world could collapse, as long as I was with my Georgie it didn't matter.

"Oh, Georgie." I murmured into his chest. "I don't ever want to leave your side."

"Oi, dreaming about me, are you?" I looked up at him confused, he was looking back at me, that devilishly handsome smile spread across his face.

"What did you say George?"

"I said I love you." I smiled, pressing my lips to his, my eyes closed, just letting the moment take over, until I felt his lips move into the kiss. "Wake up darling."

My eyes snapped open, it had all been a dream, I wanted to collapse back into it, to open my eyes again and be there with George, dancing and listening to him sing to me, but it was no use.

"Mornin'." I looked beside me, George was sat beside my bed, a hand brushing the hair out of my face. Fred was behind him shaking Ginny out of her sleep. "It's time to get up, to get ready." George whispered.

"No." I pouted, trying to pull the blanket back over my head. But before I could get comfy again the blanket was ripped from my grasp. A smug look spread on George's face. He had gotten even more handsome over summer, I didn't know that it was even possible, but every day he proved me wrong, by now he fully towered over me when I stood beside him, his hair had reached his shoulders and feathered out in a way that honestly made me jealous, and...well quidditch had truly been a blessing on this boy. "Why do I have to get up? I want to go back to sleep." I whimpered, curling my body into a ball to try and keep some warmth.

"You don't have to dream about me, love. I'm right here." I opened one eye and peaked at him.

"You talk in your sleep blondie." Fred said throwing Ginny's pillow at me. This was enough to wake me up, I snapped up in the bed looking at the twins who could no longer contain their laughter. "Oh, Georgie." He cried, grabbing George's hand and dancing with him.

"I don't ever want to leave your side." George added in, both of them erupting in laughter. My face turned bright red, embarrassed was an understatement for how I felt. I felt sick to my stomach. George and I hadn't talked about things since the date fiasco, we had just let things simmer, continued things as we had been doing before, acting as if neither of us had feelings for the other.

"Leave her be, if she was dreaming about you it was probably a nightmare enough, then to wake up to those faces. She'll probably be having nightmares for weeks now." Ginny laughed, smiling in my direction. Fred and George both clutched their chest with their hands.

"You wound me Sis." George said, dropping to his knees to really sell the pain.

"And to think you were my favorite." Fred stumbled back, misjudging the space between him and my bed, nearly falling onto me when he hit it. I took the opportunity to smack him with the pillow he had thrown at me. "George, I think we aren't welcome here." He said, rising back to his feet, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It would seem so." George said, following Fred to the door.

"Best be getting ready though."

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