Chapter 8 (Year 5 part 1)

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We had spent summer going back and forth between the burrow and Grimmauld Place – the 'headquarters' for the Order of the Phoenix, an anti He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named organization that us kids weren't allowed to take part in. It was beginning to be frustrating going to Grimmauld Place when we weren't allowed to participate in the meetings, I knew Mrs. Weasley was just trying to protect us but we were all very aware of what had happened, Harry had spared no detail in his letters, and we were ready to fight. Most days she tried to keep us at the burrow but with her and Mr. Weasley both being members and her not trusting us as far as she could throw any of us, that meant we usually got to tag along. But I couldn't complain too much seeing as when we were at Grimmauld Place no one fully watched us, allowing me some alone time with George. We would usually find an empty room and spend hours just talking, sometimes fooling around but mostly just talking.

"Hey George?" I asked, I was sat against the wall, my hand running through George's now short hair while he laid his head in my lap.

"Yes Princess?" He tossed his wand into the air above him, causing it to flip a few times before catching it, a small smile spreading his face as we sat together.

"Do you ever think about the future?"

"Obviously love. Why do you think Fred and I have been making products and so worried about saving up money for the past few years? We want to open a shop. I've told you this."

"No darling, I mean like...our" It had seemed like such an obvious thing to me, but I worried George hadn't thought like I did. I had spent all summer thinking about what it would be like to marry him, what kind of house we'd live in, what it would be like to have a couple of our own little Weasleys running around. I knew we had only been dating a short while, but we had known each other practically our whole lives. But after asking I felt a bit stupid, a bit like I was rushing things and I sat with bated breath for George to speak and confirm my fears.

"All the time lovey." He smiled up at me, my chest filled with butterflies as I looked down into his deep brown eyes.

"What do you think about it?"

"Well...when I graduate this year Fred and I are going to open the shop, find a nice flat or something for the two of us while we get some money together from the shops success." He said with a wink. "Then when you graduate, I'd reckon we'd be finding a place of our own, don't think you'd want to keep living with Freddie any longer than you already have. I'd reckon you'll be able to get a job at any hospital you choose but I've kind of always imagined you at St. Mungo's...not sure why really." I giggled a bit, nodding. I had always pictured me at St. Mungo's as well.

"Is that all?"

"Well Princess, some day I'll have to make you my queen." He sat up and pulled me into his arms. "Maybe add a few more to our kingdom?" He wiggled his eyebrows a bit before kissing me. "That is if you can handle a house full of George's." He chuckled, his eyes lighting up excitedly as he talked.

"Oh Merlin, please don't bring anymore George's into the world. We already have enough of them as it is!" Ginny said coming into the room and flopping onto the bed, Fred right behind her.

"Why are you talking about bringing more of him into the world?! George did you knock her up already?!" Ron came into the room, his mouth falling open, Hermione following close behind.

"You're pregnant?!" He spat glaring at George. "You got my best friend pregnant!? This is exactly why I didn't want you two alone together." He was getting himself worked up, protective of me as always.

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