C h a p t e r F o u r

416 14 0

Cobra/Erik's POV

"There were two males and two females," Racer spoke as we all sat by the campfire. He was describing the appearances of members of Bloodfall as Meredy was writing it down on her notepad.

"And if I recall correctly, the one called Y/n had the hots for Cobra," Angel smirked.

"Or vice versa," Hoteye chimed in.

"That's hilarious," I rolled my eyes, "I do not have the hots for her."

"Wait, did you say Y/n?" Jellal asked.

"Yeah, you recognise the name?" Racer nodded.

"She has the same name as someone we used to know, it's highly unlikely it's her though," Meredy spoke. She had a sad look in her eye, I wonder why that is.

I focussed and listened closely to her thoughts.

I wonder if Y/n even remembers me. I hope it's the same Y/n. I really miss her. I haven't seen her in ages. What even happened to her?

Then I switched to Jellal.

Y/n disappeared for ages. She was crazy powerful too but I doubt she would be a part of a dark guild. She's too sweet for that, she always has been. Then again, I haven't seen her since her parents died so maybe she's changed.

They both seem very fond of this Y/n girl. I hope for their sake that it's not the same Y/n as the one in Bloodfall because although that one looks harmless, she most definitely isn't. She's the complete opposite of sweet.

"I'm gonna go for a run, my legs are aching from sitting down for so long," Racer spoke as he stood up.

Jellal nodded as he ran away.

"Can any of you describe the appearances of the members?" Jellal asked.

"Well, one of the girls had dark red hair and the two guys, I believe, one of them had black hair and the other had blonde hair," Hoteye recounted.

"I think Cobra can help you with what Y/n looks like," Angel smirked, "He stared at her for a long time."

"Shut up Angel," I scoffed, "She had h/c coloured hair and e/c eyes with black and white flecks in them. All the members had black and white flecks in their eyes."

"That might be linked to their guild or maybe they are getting help from someone or a group of people," Meredy contributed.

"That's true, otherwise there's no other explanation for why they're so crazily powerful," Midnight spoke.

"I think we need a proper plan if we want to defeat them since our magic alone won't be enough to go against them," Jellal said whilst he scribbled things down on his notepad.

"Agreed," Hoteye nodded.

I could hear Racer's footsteps. He was running back to us and his breathing was erratic and possibly panicked. He wasn't running from anyone, I could hear that from his thoughts which were solely focussed on getting back to us to tell us something.

"Guys!" He shouted, panting.

"Racer, what's wrong?" Angel asked.

"I found...one of the members...of Bloodfall...!" He forced out between breaths. That explains why he was so freaked out.

"Which one?" I asked.

"I bet you want it to be Y/n," Angel smirked, elbowing me.

"There's a time and place for comments like those, Angel. This is not the right time or place," I glared.

"It's the red haired one," Racer finally regulated his breathing and spoke clearly.

"We should go get her," Jellal nodded to us, "Especially since she's alone. We have a higher chance of winning."

"Should we go with a plan?" Angel asked.

"I don't think there's a point in having a set plan. They're unpredictable," Hoteye commented. We all nodded in agreement and followed Racer as he led us to the Bloodfall member.

We ended up running quite far, but I guess that's expected since Racer does crazily long runs. I just didn't realise they were this long.

When we finally arrived, we spotted the Bloodfall member. She was laying down on the ground, twirling a sunflower in her hand. She had a smooth voice and was singing a song.

"Are you sure that's her?" Jellal whispered.

"I know she looks harmless but that girl is anything but harmless! She took out a massive group of Gold Light members, casting only one spell!" Angel whispered back.

The girl then sat up, staring in our direction. She couldn't see us because it was dark and we were behind trees, but she could sense that we were there.

"Is someone there?" She called out.

"Hi girlie," Angel stepped out with a smirk and we all followed. She was only confident now because it was only one member and we had the whole of Crime Sorcière here. I turned around and saw Jellal and Meredy hanging behind. I think they were trying to come up with a logical plan now that we were here since they most likely didn't agree with us just jumping right into it.

"We're going to keep searching in the forest so that we can make sure that no other members are nearby," Jellal spoke quietly so I could hear. I did a small nod to signal that I heard him.

"It's you guys again," The girl scoffed. The sunflower she was twirling was now held tightly in her hand as she clenched. The flower turned black, all the petals fell off and it dropped dead on the grass as she let go.

"What are you going to do? You're all alone," Angel taunted.

"I don't think you should be taunting her," Racer hissed. He was scared. I could sense and hear it.

"But I'm not wrong," Angel chuckled, "Let's get her."

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