C h a p t e r O n e

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Y/n's POV

"Apparently there are a lot of guilds out to get us after the trouble we caused," Jagger jumped down from a tree, "Everyone is panicking and I think some guilds are even planning on working together to defeat us."

His black hair was blue and his black and white flecks around his eye iris were covered with normal brown eyes. He used a wig and coloured contacts to change his appearance so he could investigate in the town and see if we were expecting any possible upcoming attacks.

"How amusing," I chuckled. I was sitting on the grassy floor making daisy chains with Ailani. She had just made a daisy crown and put it on my head. I was trying to make her one, but I kept ripping the flowers by accident.

"You know what's even more amusing?" Jagger asked and we turned our attention to him. His back was now leaned against the tree that Talon, who was laying on the tree branch above, was sound asleep on, "It's amusing that we are currently the most feared guild, and our leader is sat making daisy chains with our other member!"

"They are actually daisy crowns," Ailani scoffed, "Get the name right, you uneducated idiot."

"I am not an uneducated idiot!" Jagger protested.

"You're about to be a suffocated by air in a minute if you don't quieten down. I'm trying to sleep," Talon murmured, moving slightly on his branch. It was a miracle that he wasn't falling off. I guess by having an air-type magic, the air helped him balance, after all, he did control it.

"How do you sleep so much?" Jagger asked.

"I sleep so I don't have to deal with you," Talon responded with a sarcastic smile.

"I'm not that bad," Jagger pouted, "Am I that bad Ailani?"

"You're not that bad to us, but to Talon, you are," Ailani added.

"To be fair, Talon and Jagger's promises do conflict a lot," I nodded whilst putting my daisy crown I made on Ailani's head, "They're pretty much opposites."

"Castiel promised me that no one will ever disturb my silence again," Talon responded, "He said I could control who screams and who doesn't, hence my air conjuring. I can make it a loud or a silent death."

"That's so dark, man," Jagger shivered, "Mine was just that no one would ever be able to shut me up! It's worked pretty well for me so far!"

"Yeah, unfortunately, I don't think my promise included you," Talon groaned, "You're constantly loud and since your promise was that no one could shut you up, and you made your promise before mine, yours included me too. I can't shut you up."

"Aw poor Talon," Ailani pouted, mocking him. Talon responded by flicking his finger. The small gust of wind he caused knocked Ailani's daisy crown on the floor, "HEY!"

"Only royalty should wear crowns," Talon snarled, "You're not a princess, sweetheart."

"You're right, I'm a damn queen," Ailani pulled her tongue out at him, "Queen Ailani."

"More like a peasant," Jagger snickered.

"Agreed," Talon laughed.

I used my magic to bring a ball of water up from the river. I guided it in front of me and split it into two, making one hover on top of Talon's head and the other on Jagger's.

"Wait, Y/n we were just-" Jagger began to protest, but I clicked my fingers and the water fell on their heads.

"Don't talk to me, peasants," I smirked, giving Ailani a wink.

Jellal's POV

"They've attacked how many guilds?!" Meredy asked in disbelief at my words.

We were currently sat around the fireplace, taking down notes on our current target, Bloodfall. They were a really mysterious guild, and since they were new, not many people knew what they looked like. The people that saw them were usually people that were at the wrong place at the wrong time which is unfortunate for them, or they were at the guild, or a part of the guild, that Bloodfall decided to attack. They often don't live to tell us information, or they have such trauma that they can't even talk about it, or Bloodfall made it so they don't remember.

"They took down six guilds and attacked eleven in total," I repeated, "In the past two weeks."

"Attacked? As in, guilds they messed about with but didn't actually want anything from?" Cobra raised an eyebrow, "How obnoxious."

"How many members are there?" Racer asked.

"Not a clue yet," I shook my head, "No one even knows what they look like."

"We're looking for a guild we don't even have much knowledge on," Hoteye sighed, "Sounds like a difficult case."

"It is. We probably could've walked past them and not even known it was them," Cobra nodded.

"Can't you just hear their thoughts or something?" Racer asked.

"They might have mind blocks on if they're that crazy powerful. I guess I'll see who's thoughts I can't hear next time we're out rather than what I can hear," He shrugged.

"Do you think we could beat them?" Meredy looks at me whilst the other guild members spoke among themselves.

"I think we should be cautious. They can take down a guild by themselves and they obviously know they're strong if they feel they can just attack guilds and mess around with them," I responded, "Once we find out how many members there are, I think we'll be able to tell from there."

"How are we even meant to find them?" Hoteye asked. I brought out a map that labelled all the guilds in this area. The ones that Bloodfall had killed off were crossed off in red. The ones that Bloodfall had just attacked for fun were circled in red.

"We'll just have to try and see what they're looking for next. Then we have to pin point which guild they'll destroy to find it," I replied.

"Wouldn't they go for Gold Light's treasure?" Meredy suggested.

"Yes...that's a very good guess," I nodded, looking at the guild hall for Gold Light which was so tall that we could still see it even in the forest. They were known for being a flashy guild.

Then there was an explosion coming from there as their top tower was covered in black smoke.

"They're already there," Cobra pointed out.

"Let's go get them then," Racer nodded.


Author's Note:




I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I actually have a really hard time making up guild names for Y/n to destroy, so please bear with me!!

- J

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