P r o l o g u e

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Ailani's POV

"Wait, you think that she genuinely cares?" I tilted my head to one side. Their whole guild stood in front of us, but we didn't care. We weren't even the tiniest bit scared. Why would we be? We know we are strong.

"Do you not have a heart?!" The guild master of the Red Ruby guild shouted, "You're destroying my guild, my family! We have spent decades making this guild into what it is today! You guys just came here and crushed all of it! All our hard work, gone!"

"Oh well," My guild master, Y/n yawned and then raised an eyebrow at them, "It just shows that you guys obviously weren't that great of a guild if it's been taken down this easily."

One of their members suddenly came running out at us. Wow, someone is eager to get beat up.

"I won't let you hurt my family!" He shouted. He seemed to be going for Y/n. How dumb. Literally the most stupid decision he could've made.

"I don't think that's in your control," Y/n simply just grabbed his face when he was close enough and threw him into the ground forcefully, making Red Ruby's guild hall's floor boards crack, shards of its marble flooring flying upwards.

He got up when he was finally able to. He just shook in fear whilst looking up at her.

"Pathetic," Talon stared down at the shaking boy in front of Y/n.

"Finish him off then or I will," Jagger laughed.

"Back off, this one is mine," Talon spoke. Then the air around us picked up slightly.

That's when the boy's body had suddenly gotten slices and cuts forming, the blood streaming out of him as his screams also echoed in the guild hall. Talon was using his wind to cut him. He was never one to kill people immediately, even though he could. After all, he always would say, what's the fun in that?

"Then this one is mine," Jagger nodded. He pressed his hands together slowly and the opponent in front of him yelled in pain. He was basically squeezing the life out of him.

During this time, any thoughts of him will disappear. His family and friends won't even realise he's gone. That was why Life Diminution is a forbidden magic, because not only does it have the power to take someone's life, it can also rip out their memories.

"These are mine," I smiled. The group of Red Ruby members in front of me suddenly fell onto their knees. Tears filled their eyes as they each saw their own worst nightmares. Then they all dropped to the floor, their faces of fear still frozen as they passed away. I was able to look into their nightmares to see what their fears were, but it's not any used to me whether I know or not. It doesn't affect me, it's just effort.

"Then I guess the guild master is mine," Y/n smirked, "You guys get the ruby when you're finished."

"Wait, no! That's our most prized possession!" The guild master practically begged. They had some precious ruby that sold for a lot in the back of the guild hall. We didn't need it for the money though. We didn't need it at all to be honest. We're just taking it because we can.

"Watch me care," Y/n scoffed. She knelt down putting a hand on the floor. The floor around the guild master started steaming as he howled in pain.

She was literally amazing. She had all the magical abilities and we have no clue how or why. It's probably because of the deal we all made with Castiel since she was his favourite.

She was burning him. When he tried to move, she swiped her other hand, rock coming through the marble flooring and encasing his feet, so he was stuck there. The floor was so hot that the marble pattern was literally mixing itself.

"I got the ruby," Jagger spun it around carelessly in his hand.

"This place is useless to us now," Y/n shrugged. She swiped her hand and a molten lava wave engulfed the guild master, silencing his cries.

As we walked out, she used her magic again, making a cutting motion and three of the supporting pillars were sliced in half, making the building crumble.

"You're brutal," Jagger laughed.

"Says the one with magic that can make people literally just disappear," Y/n chuckled with a smirk.

"You say that as if it's the most threatening and scariest thing our guild has," Jagger spoke.

"Nah, it's definitely not the most threatening or scariest," I shook my head, "We all know what, or rather, who is though."

"Yeah, it's Y/n," Talon spoke.


Author's Note:

WhO iS CaStiEL?

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter (well, it's a prologue but whatever) of Tell Me The Truth! It's just a little insight of how your guild acts and stuff.

Remember to get at my Instagram if you wanna see anime edits and stuff. I also post book updates on there @ STINGSWIFEY

And be sure to check out The Hidden One if you haven't already!

Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter!

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