C h a p t e r F i v e

339 11 3

Y/n's POV

Were they blind? Definitely. They thought it was only Ailani. I was literally on the tree above them. I stood up, making the leaves rustle slightly. Immediately, snake boy's eyes darted up. He has crazy good hearing.

"There's two of them," He commented, staring directly at me, even though the leaves were hiding me, he knew I was there.

"What?" The light blue haired girl spoke, her voice laced with confusion and worry.

"Good job snake boy," I jumped down from the tree.

"It's Y/n!" The blonde and black haired boy exclaimed. Their confident group was now completely freaked out. I love that. That's hilarious.

"It's not so nice to gang up on people now though, is it?" I mocked.

"I'll go get the other two!" The blonde and black haired one cried out and started getting ready to run. What other two? Was he just trying to escape?

"Talon!" I shouted. Suddenly, the wind knocked the guy back. In front of him, Talon appeared.

"Where do you think you're going?" Talon glowered.

He tried to go around Talon, but Talon kept him in place by directing the wind at him, forcing him to stay in his spot.

"Let me the hell go," The enemy growled.

"I thought you were meant to be fast?" Jagger chuckled.

"Where did you come from?!" I saw the horror in the light blue haired girl's face. How amusing.

"You guys are a bunch of couch potatoes you know," Jagger laughed even harder at his own statement, "I bet if I just..."

Then Jagger swung forward and punched the 'fast' guy in the face. The next second, blood gushed out of his nose.

"I was going to say if I just punched you, you wouldn't even be fast enough to stop it!" Jagger howled with laughter, "Dude you have blood waterfall! Some might even say it's Bloodfall!"

Jagger is so hyper right now. He's literally rolling on the floor laughing. I have to say, seeing Jagger this happy actually makes me happy. It's like a breath of fresh air amongst all the bloodshed. Then again, the bloodshed doesn't necessarily make me sad, I'm kind of use to it. It just gets too normal for my liking at times.

"RACER!" The girl cried.

"So that's his name?" Ailani scoffed, pointing a judgemental finger at the supposed Racer, "Why are you even called that? I thought racers were meant to be fast."

"What even is your name? You're clearly not even that powerful if I've never heard your name before," The girl sneered.

"None of your business, but it's definitely better than your name," Ailani crossed her arms. It was funny because neither of them even knew each other's names.

"We have mentioned our names before in front of you guys," The girl raised her eyebrows, "Do you guys just not listen?"

For a second we all thought hard.

Flashback from our fun at Gold Light...

"COBRA, DO SOMETHING YOU'RE GOOD WITH SNAKES!" The pale haired girl screamed.

"Angel's right," The Racer guy nodded.

"Your name is Angel?" Ailani held in her laughter, "I don't know who you're trying to fool sis but your creepy white outfit isn't convincing anyone."

"MY REAL NAME IS SORANO!" Angel flipped out.

"Like the ham?" Ailani raised an eyebrow, still trying to hold in her laughter.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU," Angel ran at us. Ailani reacted by running back at her, slamming Angel into the tree trunk that was behind her, with incredible force. I heard a whimper from Angel.

"I don't think you'll have the chance to, Sweetheart," Ailani smirked and then backed away from Angel, "Since you told me your real name, I guess you can know mine. My name is Ailani."

"That's...not a bad name," Angel gave a nervous smile.

There was an intense aura in the air, and Ailani had an expression on her face that I've never seen before. Her cheeks were a light pink and her eyes reflected something like love.

"Whatever," Ailani shrugged, trying to make the moment disappear. A light smirk appeared on my face. I think I see what's going on here.

"Y/n...Y/n...!" I heard Castiel's voice in my head. It burned. It always did when he was trying to communicate with me. I'm not sure why.

I winced in pain but tried to cover it up. I didn't want to show them I was in pain. I hate it when he does this. Why can't he just come see me?

Talon noticed the discomfort in my eyes and stepped forwards.

"We have no wish to fight you guys today, so I'd leave if I were you," Talon spoke. It caused some confused emotions. They must think we are surrendering or something, "You should leave while you still can."

As if to convince them more, he made the air thicken around us. They took the chance to leave in one piece and disappeared off.

As soon as they were out of sight, I clutched my head tightly, my fingers knotted in my hair, as Castiel kept saying my name.

He does this so he can appear in front of whoever's name he is calling, so now we wait.

Jagger sat next to me on the floor, putting an arm around me and comforting me, trying to ease the pain.

Then Castiel finally appeared.

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