C h a p t e r S i x

245 13 1

Y/n's POV

"For what reason did you have to give me a psycho headache for?" I groaned.

"I like for you to know I'm there of course," Castiel smirked. He had raven black hair with some of the strands falling in front of his blood red eyes. He was freakishly powerful, but to be honest, I didn't know much about him. I didn't care that much either.

"Okay, but for real now, why are you here? We haven't seen you in ages," I laughed.

"I just came to check in on you guys. Things have been going in quite a weird direction," Castiel responded.

"What do you mean?" Talon raised an eyebrow.

"Are some of you catching feelings for the enemy?" Castiel spoke with a seriousness in his face. So that's what this was all about. I forgot Castiel hated for us to have connections with anyone other than each other.

"No," I lied. It was more trouble than it was worth. He then turned to Ailani.

"No," Ailani also responded.

"Lying to your guild mates. Remember who's the enemy you two," He glared, "Let me teach Ailani a lesson so that you all understand."

Ailani was trying not to show it but she was so terrified, I could see it in her eyes. He had a massive black fireball in his hand and shot it at her as she froze in place.

I acted on instinct and I jumped in front of her, the fireball burning into my back as I let out a pain-filled shriek.

"Y/N!" They all rushed over to me when I fell to the floor.

"Classic Y/n. Always the hero," Castiel smirked before disappearing off.

The fire had seared a hole into the back of my shirt, revealing the two scars near my shoulder blades. My skin was burning. I felt like I was on fire. My eyes were squeezed shut as I tried to make peace with the pain, but it wasn't working.

"S-s-s-sorry," I squeezed out an apology at their worried faces. I hated making them worried.

"Why are you even apologising?" Talon responded.

"I'm so sorry Y/n! I'm so sorry!" Ailani cried.

"It's fine Ailani, I'm fine," I tried to speak as steadily as I could as my breath shook from the pain.

"I'll go pick up some medicine," Jagger ran off quickly.

"Here, this might feel better," Talon spoke, creating a light gust of wind around his hands and pressing his hands on the monstrous burn. It immediately soothed it and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," I gave him a small smile.

"I can't believe Castiel did that," Talon growled, "He's never done something like that before. He knows we are on the same side!"

"Yeah, it was unexpected," I nodded, "I guess he's really against us having any sort of connection with people outside of our circle."

"I don't see why. It's not like anything would actually happen," Ailani sighed.

Angel's POV

"They just let you go?" Jellal asked.

"Yeah, it was super weird. I thought they were going to kill us one minute, and then the next, they wanted us to leave!" I responded.

"Someone also picked up feelings for a Bloodfall member," Cobra smirked.

"Yeah, you," I jeered.

"Nope, you," He snarled back, "Angel has a crush on Ailani."

"I do not!" I protested, "I would never have a crush on such a cocky person!"

"We could all see it. Love is in the air indeed," Hoteye laughed, "With both of you. Cobra and Angel. Y/n and Ailani!"

"Shut up," Cobra glowered.

"She said my name was like the ham! Sorano and Serano are not the same thing!" I screeched, still offended over Ailani's earlier comment.

"Guys, we need to focus," Jellal groaned, his hands knotted in his hair. He seemed really stressed out. I don't know why. He's been like this since we found out that Y/n girl's name, "We need to track their location! I want to be there this time."

"Me too. I want to be there too," Meredy chimed in.

"Is this about the Y/n thing?" Cobra asked.

"I thought we talked about you not listening to your guildmates thoughts?" Racer snarled.

"It's hard when everyone's thoughts are so freakishly loud all the time," Cobra rolled his eyes.

"If it is the Y/n we know, we could reason with her," Jellal nodded.

"And if not then she'll just kill you," Cobra laughed, "You're taking a big risk there buddy."

"Let's work on an escape plan so we can leg it if we need to," I suggested and everyone nodded in agreement.

Ailani's POV

I can't believe Castiel did that. He's usually obsessed with Y/n, but he couldn't have cared less when it hit her instead of me. 

Currently, Y/n was sitting cross legged on the grassy floor whilst Talon was creating small gentle hurricanes and holding them to the large burn on her back. Jagger had gone into the town to buy some burn ointment to hopefully quicken the healing process. Though we were all strong, it didn't mean we were immune to attacks.

"Better?" Talon asked gently.

"It still really stings, but I'm okay," Y/n responded, flinching a little when she moved.

"Jagger will be back soon," I gave her a smile, sitting opposite her, "You're such an idiot, you know that?"

"I know you would've done it for me too," Y/n chuckled, "Same goes for the whole guild."

"I can't believe Castiel did that though," I huffed, "I literally want to stab him."

"I don't actually think that would kill him even if you did," Talon commented.

"I'm angry, not murderous," I scoffed as Talon rolled his eyes. I then turned to Y/n who was now somewhat relaxing. I didn't want this to happen again. It terrified me, "Y/n I think we should make a promise that neither of us will fall for them."

"I wouldn't have fallen for him anyway," Y/n nodded. I knew that was a lie. It was the first time that Y/n had ever shown an interest in someone outside of our circle. It sucks that Castiel has taken that away from her, "What about you?"

"Sorano is drop dead gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but I'll manage. I haven't gotten to know her that well yet anyway so it's easy to let go," I responded. I wasn't sure how truthful my words were, but I was going to have to hope I meant it.


Author's Note:

I'm so sorry this took ages! I had exams so I couldn't focus properly, and because it had been so long, I had to re read all my notes on where this story was going as I remember none of it!

Thanks for sticking around!

- J

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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