C h a p t e r T h r e e

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Cobra/Erik's POV

The massive serpent was heading for us. I saw a smirk from the h/c haired member as she folded her arms, leaning against the pillar and enjoying the show.


"Shut up, I'm concentrating," I groaned.

I closed my eyes, ignoring the fact that this gigantic snake was getting dangerously closer to us. If only Jellal and Meredy were here, they could easily teleport us out of here, but they're busy doing research in the town. There's no point if we run, it'll just continue coming after us.

Concentrating, I connected my mind with the serpent's thoughts.


Its voice was low, demonic and thunderous. It gave me shivers down my spine, but I ignored it. It was being controlled. No snakes are that aggressive and I can sense the power that had clouded its mind.

I'm pretty sure I have a spell for it. Mutations of Venom? I'll give it a try. I casted the spell and opened my eyes. The serpent had stopped and was looking around as if it wasn't sure where it was.

"Oh? How interesting," The h/c haired girl smirked.

"How annoying more like," The other one rolled her eyes, "What are you? A snake charmer?"

"POISON DRAGON SLAYER ROAR!" I shouted, shooting purple and black magic towards them.

The one with the icy blue eyes jumped in front of them and twisted the air, swirling my attack and shooting it back at us. We all quickly shielded ourselves.

"Should we go back? We can't fight them," Angel whispered, so quiet the others couldn't hear, but I hear everything.

The h/c girl chuckled as if she could feel sense the dilemma we were faced with. 

She closed her eyes tightly, tensing. When she opened them, the black and white flecks glowed on top of her e/c eyes. The serpent also made a screech as she stared it down. She was taking control over it again. There was a snap when she succeeded and her eyes returned to normal, the flecks dimming.

"Powerful spell you got there, snake guy. I almost broke a sweat trying to break it," She clapped, "Regardless, it's not powerful enough, I still broke it."

"You're very cocky," I stared straight into her eyes.

"I think I have the right to be, don't you think?" She smirked, I could see the mischief dancing around in her eyes.

"POISON DRAGON ROAR!" I suddenly yell, aiming an attack towards her pretty face- oh! I mean face. Just face. Not a pretty one. Wait, no. She is pretty. She is very pretty. I just didn't mean- oh never mind. Ignore me.

Next thing I knew, a loud screech filled my ears. I closed my eyes and covered my ears from the pain. A few seconds later, when it got quieter, I opened my eyes and saw the serpent who was now silent, laying lifeless on the floor.

I looked to the side and saw the dark red-haired girl with her hand out and her eyes glowing slightly too. She must have instructed the serpent to take the hit.

Y/n's POV

He looked strangely...heartbroken? Does he have some weird relationship with snakes or something? 

His eyes then drifted to focus on Ailani. I could feel the air change. He was so mad. He darted towards her and she quickly stretched out her wings and flew upwards, but he jumped up for her. I swiftly ran over to them and jumped up, grabbing his leg and slamming him onto the floor.

"Snake dude has gone psycho," Talon yawned, "What a bother."

I think he was in dragon force. 

"You guys fly. I'll finish things off here," I spoke.

"But Y/n," Jagger protested. He wanted to fight more, but I was over this battle. It had been dragged out for so long that it was getting boring and annoying now.

"Now," I ordered. They all shut up and did as they were told, stretching out their wings and flying out of the building.

"You think you can take on us?" The snake guy growled, "Alone?"

"This has gone on for too long," I laughed darkly, "Either you guys get out of here, or get trapped in the building's broken parts."

I raised my hands up and all our surroundings started to shake. The building was falling apart.

"Guys, let's go," The girl with light blue hair spoke in a slightly worried tone. 

"Angel's right," The blonde and black haired guy nodded.

They came to an agreement and turned to leave. The snake guy stared for a little longer.

"Until next time, snake boy," I chuckled.

"Until next time," He nodded before leaving.

I jumped out of the building, landing on a tree, before clapping my hands together, the whole building falling apart, and mushing together to create a massive mess. The Magic Council would be here soon so it's good we left when we did. That would've been even more effort to fight them too.

"That was a weird bunch," Ailani commented, standing on the branch next to me, "Jagger and Talon went back to the cave first because they wanted to make food."

We were always moving around so usually we camped out, but since the Magic Council had been roaming the forests, we decided to camp in a cave we found nearby. 

"Thanks," I smiled at her waiting for me, "Let's head back then." 

We both jumped down from the tree and began walking. Ailani always walked with me, even though she could fly and get there in a few seconds. 

I'm not really sure why I can't fly to be honest. The other three can. I guess it's just an ability I don't have, after all, Castiel gave me every single power possible. He only gave the others one forbidden magic and flight, it would be greedy of me to dwell on the fact that I can't fly when I have all this magic. 

"So, snake boy?" Ailani smirked, "I've never seen you so talkative and interested in an opponent."

"I'm probably never going to see him again anyway," I scoffed, "So before you think I have an interest in him, no, I do not!"

"Of course you don't," She chuckled.


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