Dangerous Friends

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On her knees, the seamstress focused on the needle, touching up the pants of her client's suit as he admired himself in the mirror on his right

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On her knees, the seamstress focused on the needle, touching up the pants of her client's suit as he admired himself in the mirror on his right.

"Damn, I do look good in a suit," he said, making his friend in the cap laugh.

It wasn't unusual for the seamstress to answer house calls, no, the only thing unusual about this client was the odd things he said. She felt weird as she focused on her work. She could hear the two men, but not quite comprehend what they were saying to each other, as if the words wouldn't stick to her brain, turning into an alphabet soup she couldn't read.

She thought she had heard names, Tina McGreevy and Joshua Rosza. What was the TV saying about them? Perhaps they were missing. No, it wasn't that. Wait... who were they talking about again? Her mind was foggy and the more she tried to focus, the foggier it got.

"My guy at the docks is gonna come forward as an eyewitness, say he saw those two drunkenly fall into the Mississippi. They'll be dredging for weeks, no one will come looking around here," said the man in the cap, whose name she thought started with a 'T'... Theo? Thibault? No... It was that.

"That's good, considering one's dead in a dumpster behind the county morgue and the other one's a vampire now," her client said with a chuckle. "Anything else?"

The words danced in her brain, refusing to form a correct sentence, refusing to make sense. As she tried to think back to what had just been said, she inadvertently pricked herself with her needle.


She sat back on her knees and looked at her bloody finger. The man, whose name she thought might be Mark, crouched before her with a smile.

"Allow me, darling," he said as he took her hand and brought the injured finger to his mouth.

She let him do it, even though her entire body was screaming at her to get up and go. Her mind was loud with alarms, screaming at her that it wasn't safe, but she couldn't say anything, couldn't do anything but smile. His friend spoke up again.

"I sent four nightwalkers to look into a werewolf sighting in the Quarter. I haven't heard from them since."

Mark, or whatever his name was, lost his smile as he let go of her hand and sighed.

"That makes ten dead nightwalkers in the last week. You think the werewolves are back in town trying to start some trouble?"

"Look. I know you and Klaus are friends, but the fact is, since the Originals showed up..."

"Oh, come now, Thierry, you're not still upset about that little toxic werewolf bite I gave you, are you?"

The seamstress barely registered the stranger who had just come into the fitting room. She felt like she was supposed to ignore him, to ignore them, to silence them out, and so she did.

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