Burned Creature

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Mackenzie had been sitting against the grey cold wall of the storage room for hours

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Mackenzie had been sitting against the grey cold wall of the storage room for hours. She had been there all night, ever since Stefan had left the house and Elena had gone to bed. She first wanted to warn Elijah but thought better of it when she remembered Esther would be there. She had to wait until morning, or it would raise suspicions. So, instead, she went to the storage room where she had left her car and her mother's chest before leaving Mystic Falls with Katherine six months ago. She was going through grimoires and old journals, trying to find something, anything that could help her and Elijah stop Esther. She was reading about phoenixes when sunlight appeared from beneath the door.

She wondered if Elena would notice she was gone. She had packed up her things and left nothing behind. She hadn't thought twice about it. She was done. Elena was a lying hypocrite and she couldn't bear living in her house, under the same roof as her. She'd have succumbed to the fire and burn it all down.

The fire inside of her hadn't disappeared or calmed down. On the contrary, it seemed Mackenzie had tamed it. It was animating her, motivating her. She knew what she wanted to do and she would stop at nothing to do it. She had just gotten Elijah back and she wasn't going to lose him again. She was one of the most powerful creatures on this planet and it was time she started acting like it.

She didn't even bother to call before showing up at the house. Her bags and her mother's chest in the trunk of her car. She was relieved to sense that Esther was away. From what she could tell, only three Originals were inside, and she hoped Elijah was one of them.

She hesitated, unsure on how to proceed. How would she even tell any of them that their mother were plotting to kill them all?

She knocked once, then twice and was surprised to receive no answer. It's not like they couldn't hear her, they were vampires after all, they could hear anything. Deciding that a door wouldn't stop her, she entered uninvited and started to look for Elijah in the labyrinth that was the house.

She jumped, startled, as he appeared out of nowhere right in front of her. They were in a hallway, Mackenzie wasn't sure exactly where. This house was enormous.

"What are you doing here?" he asked with a worried look on his face.

"We need to talk," she told him, the look on her face and her tone making it clear it was extremely important.

"What is it?"

She hesitated. "Maybe you should sit..." she said, bringing a hand to his arm but he quickly took it in his and stepped forward.

"What is it?"

She sighed, then looked around. "Where is your mother?"

"I don't know. Mackenzie, tell me."

"It's..." she paused. He already knew something was up. He knew Elena had lied last night so what she was about to tell him wouldn't be a complete surprise, but still... It wouldn't be pleasant to hear. "I overheard Elena and Stefan last night. She said your mother... she said she wanted to kill you all, she said... she said she signed your death sentences."

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