... and I Found a Man

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The night grew colder and Sophie shivered as she stood before the shrine she had made for her sister in the alley behind Rousseau's

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The night grew colder and Sophie shivered as she stood before the shrine she had made for her sister in the alley behind Rousseau's. She watched the flames of the candles bend under the wind as she whispered to herself.

"You got me into this Jane," she cried. "Give me the strength to finish it."

She picked up an unlit candle and brought the wick to a flame. She welcomed the warmth in her hands. She put the candle down, but almost let it fall to the ground as the backdoor from the restaurant behind her suddenly slammed shut in a startling noise. She turned around and found a vampire behind her.

"What do you want?" she asked, annoyed by the presence of the unwanted visitor.

"You're doing magic?" another vampire asked from the other side of the alley.

"I'm praying to my dead sister," she told them. "Go ahead, pay your respects!" she spat.

"Don't make this a thing, Sophie," the first vampire said, startling her as he had sped before her. "The hybrid was looking for Jane-Anne, Marcel wants to know why."

"I'd say ask her yourself, but I guess you can't, seeing as Marcel killed her."

She turned around, trying to walk away, but he seized her by the arms, growling, as he readied to bite into her neck.

"Two against one," an unfamiliar female voice resonated in the alley. "That's not very fair, now, is it?"

"Who the hell are you?" the second vampire asked, veins appearing under his eyes.

But the scream of his partner in crime distracted him from the intruder, and he turned back towards Sophie, who was now alone, freed from his friend's grip.

Sophie and the remaining vampire looked around, searching, but saw nothing. Something fell from the sky and crashed with a disgusting splash sound at the girl's feet. The vampire approached to take a closer look. It was a heart. He looked up at the stranger with a menacing look, ready to strike, but she smiled and shook her head.

"Behind you."

He turned around only to come face to face with another man, another stranger. The suited vampire seized him by the collar of his shirt, then pushed him against the wall, only to throw him away, upwards, towards the roof of the building across from them, where his back met with a sharp metal bar which impaled him, killing him as it pierced through his heart.

"I'm Elijah," Sophie's savior introduced himself, holding out his hand to the girl, who stepped over the bleeding heart on her way to him. "You've heard of me?"

Sophie nodded, more afraid now than ever.

"So, why don't you tell me what business your family has with my brother?"

Sophie swallowed hard then took a deep breath, trying to find her courage back.

"Not now. Not here," she said, her eyes falling on the girl. "Who are you?"

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