Dying to Survive

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"How could things possibly get worse?"

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"How could things possibly get worse?"

Mackenzie scoffed as she remembered what she had told Elena a few nights ago. She wanted to kick herself, as if she had summoned it, as if everything that had happened ever since was her fault.

Klaus told Tyler to bite Caroline and she almost died on her birthday.

Stefan kidnapped Elena and threatened to kill her if Klaus didn't send his hybrids away.

Jeremy left.

There was a non-vampire murderer in Mystic Falls killing council members.

Things got worse. Things got way worse.

And they weren't getting any better as the days went by. Mackenzie couldn't leave the house, she was almost certain every vampire/hybrid in town could smell her, including Damon, who hadn't been subtle about it.

"Why do you smell like cotton candy in an attraction park on a sunny day?"

Now she had no idea what to say to that, and she wasn't about to tell him the truth.

"Um, Damon? What are you doing?" Elena asked, thinking he was flirting.

"Seriously," he insisted, "why do you smell so good? I want to eat you for dessert."

"Damon!" Elena scolded him.

"Relax, I won't do it. But not every vampire in town has my self-control," he told her was a warning.

Mackenzie nodded. He didn't need to tell her not to leave the house, she wasn't planning to.

"What is he talking about?" the doppelganger asked after he'd gone.

"I have no idea," she lied. "Are you leaving now?"

"Yeah, Bonnie's ready to go."

"Have a nice trip then."

"Thanks. I'll text you once we get there."

'There' being Bonnie's estranged mother, whom Bonnie wasn't too excited about seeing again, but whom she needed to perform a spell that would unlock Klaus' mysterious coffin. Out of the four that Stefan had taken, one of them was closed, locked by a powerful spell that Bonnie had been trying to break for days, but to no avail. Damon and Stefan were hoping it contained a weapon powerful enough to kill Klaus.

Mackenzie had asked so many times for Stefan to undagger Elijah, but he always refused. She'd have gone and done it herself if she weren't scared to death of stepping foot in that horror house again.

Night fell on Mystic Falls and Mackenzie still hadn't heard from Elena or Bonnie or anyone, for that matter. She told herself she wouldn't start worrying until midnight. Around 10, the front door opened, and Mackenzie was surprised to see Alaric walk in, and he wasn't alone.

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