The Holy Forest - Part 1: Margo of Aragon

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I'm sorry this is super short but this is the best I could do! I really wanted to post something today so here it is, I hope you'll like it!

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I'm sorry this is super short but this is the best I could do! I really wanted to post something today so here it is, I hope you'll like it!

Also, Margo is obviously extremely "inspired" by the character of Margo from the TV show The Magicians (don't spoil I'm like a season late!)



The sky had turned grey in the late morning and cold air had arrived with the heavy clouds.

Margo was looking out the window and stared at the gardens that seemed to never end. Her eyes were on the green maze and she knew, though she couldn't see it, that they were still wet from the rain of the day before. Walking in that maze would ruin her shoes and the bottom of her dress for sure. The mud and the cold made it more trouble than it was worth.

"Cancel my walk with Sir Fay," she ordered, to no one in particular, knowing one of the five pages who were around would do as they were told.

She heard someone run out of the room before silence invaded her chambers. She was still looking out the window, staring at nothing in particular, lost in her thoughts. Fay would get over it, she thought, they had been through that maze more times than she had celebrated her birthday, which said a lot. Besides, he probably wasn't too upset about it. He too had to get ready for this afternoon.

The city was on high alert. An ultimate and an original vampire were being invited inside the Forest. Such event hadn't happened in centuries. If she had been anyone else, Margo wouldn't even have considered it. But Mackenzie was an Alemaund. Mackenzie was a Fay. Mackenzie was Aella's daughter and Heidi's goddaughter. Mackenzie was welcomed here as Margo had promised her mother. And since Mackenzie was now infatuated with Elijah Mikaelson, he was welcomed as well. She probably would have said no if it had been the other one, the hybrid, Niklaus. But Elijah was said to be trustworthy and an honorable man. And the Holy Forest welcomed honorable creatures. After all, it was the most honorable place on earth.

Paradise, had it been called once, more than once in fact. Maybe it was the closest city to it. Immortality, wealth, happiness, anything anyone could want for. A paradise to everyone. Everyone but humans, of course.

They despised humans here. Even hated them. Of course, they would. Those older than five centuries had been chased away from their village, their country, by humans, because they were different. All hunted by humans, elementals hunted by all. Here was a safe place. Ill intentions weren't welcomed here. Danger wasn't welcomed here. And the people running this place were powerful enough to make sure of its safety.

Margo was less than honorable when she found the Holy Forest. She had come from a dishonorable place, born a dishonorable way. Her mother, a witch as well, had high ambitions, for herself and for her children, though children she only had the one, the one and only Margo of Aragon. Her greatest success. Seducing the King of Spain, Alfonso V of Aragon, had been easy enough with magic though even magic couldn't have him make Margo legitimate. But her mother's plans never met success as Margo's bastard status was a target on her back and the allegations against her mother weren't helping either. To be a bastard is one thing, to be a witch is another, and to be both... well, nobody could be allowed to be so powerful. So, she fled. She ran away. Away from her terrible mother, away from her terrible reputation. She left Spain alone and took all her magic, power and knowledge with her. It led her to Germany, not the smartest choice at a time when burning witches was everyone's favorite hobby. It led her to another life, another world. A brand-new world where she met brand new creatures such as mermaids and fairies, all of them fleeing a dangerous country because of who they were as well.

Margo was born of a king, so she became a queen. They didn't want to give her the crown, she didn't want it anyway. She wanted something better, and she found it. She made it. Over 500 years ago, when the Forest was nothing but a lost village in the middle of Germany. She protected it with magic, and she welcomed everyone, everyone that was like her. Fleeing, hiding, looking for safety, looking for peace. Those kings wouldn't give that to them, so she did. She was better than all of them, for in over 500 years, the only deaths the Holy Forest had seen were from natural causes.

Margo shivered as the room became colder. If any of her page boys had seen it, they'd have hurried towards the fireplace and made sure it wouldn't happen again, but she didn't give them the chance to make a move as she raised her arm towards the dying fire and the flames grew bigger in a silent roar. The heat slowly filled the room as an old memory resurfaced. Back when Aella was still pregnant. The last time she saw Pandora and Ambrosia. She remembered them standing in front of a fireplace, plotting something, talking with the Oracle, though she couldn't hear what they were saying, they seemed to agree with each other as they all nodded. When the two sisters approached, they told the queen something she had not forgotten. Something she had no repeated. For if anyone knew, the entire vampire species would come after her, and considering her almost brother in law was the crazy psychotic hybrid Niklaus, now was not the time to reveal this secret.


Thank you for reading!!

Part 2 (and maybe, probably, hopefully part 3) will be posted next Wednesday!

Also for those of you who read my The Valuable Sun series, I made a mistake, there will not be a chapter next Monday but the Monday after that, on the 18th!

Have a great week!

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