Chapter 12

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Rory heard little from Harley after they got back that day. Monday came quicker than she thought and she had classes early in the morning that she couldn't miss. Since midterms were officially over, she got a text from Maggie, who'd just returned that night from her trip. They planned on catching up and agreed to meet at their usual spot in the library.

Rory stepped out of her apartment and gazed at Harley's door. She wanted to knock and ask if he had classes today or if they could take the bus onto campus together. Since she hadn't heard from him, it hadn't left her mind what had happened. She thought after he had kissed her and sort of confessed to her, everything would change. Instead, it felt like a ghost tale. So she rode the bus alone.

When she got onto campus, she immediately headed in the library's direction. Her fast pace made her body heat even though it was freezing. She could feel her nose numbing.

As soon as she got to the building of the library, she rubbed her hands together to gain warmth. She headed towards the study table in the back of the building and found Maggie staring at her computer with a cup of coffee in her hand. Rory met up at the table.

"Hi," she said.

Maggie looked up from her computer, her face brightening as she realized it was Rory. The two girls hugged each other, clinging on for dear life.

"You do not know how much I missed you," Maggie told her.

"I missed you too, Mags. How was the flight?" Rory sat down across from her.

"It was good," Maggie replied cheerfully, "I got bumped up to first class."

Somehow, it didn't surprise her. It was a very common story for Maggie to have such luck. One time she bought last-minute resells for a concert and ended up the front of the stage. Another time, she went to get her phone fixed after the screen cracked and she ended up winning a new laptop after she signed up for a raffle.

"I had something more interesting to tell you," she reached out to grab Rory's hands, "Finn and Abigail broke up."

Rory raised her brows in amusement. "Oh. That's too bad."

"Too bad?" Maggie exclaimed. "Rory, this is glorious news. This means you might have a chance with him again."

Rory had forgotten all about Finn. She had also forgotten to tell Maggie that she wasn't interested in him. Rory knew she had to tell Maggie about Harley. She didn't know how she was going to, but there was no other option.

"Maggie, I—" Rory said, but Maggie had waved over someone who was behind her.

"Brian," Maggie whispered loudly, "Finn!"

What followed were the footsteps amongst the silence of the library.

"Fancy seeing you here," Brain sang as soon as he sat down beside Maggie.

To Rory's surprise, the chair beside her moved. None other than Finn had occupied it. He looked sweetly at her," Hey."

"Hi," Rory replied carefully.

"Sorry to hear about Abigail," Maggie said with sincerity. At that point, she had closed her laptop. Rory figured they wouldn't be studying much anymore. She sighed and leaned back in her chair.

She felt Finn tense up next to her. "You heard about that?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "It just didn't work out. I'm fine though. I'm sure she's fine as well."

"It's a bummer," Maggie continued, "You both seemed to have been getting along so well."

"Oh yeah," Brian snickered, "They were all hugging and kissing right until the end."

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