part 2

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we were in the process of moving a new desk upstairs from the garage to the bull pin. i was walking backwards and ruz was holding the other side. "you better not run me into a wall now kev" i said in a joking way. "trying my best here jay" he said. "kev you're not even doing anything" again said "you know why. it's because my beautiful face cannot get ruined" kevin said laughing. then adam dropped the desk and it made a really loud sound. "sorry sarge" adam said up the steps and kim of course yelled at him. "okay get out of here adam you're done" kevin said taking the other end of the desk. walking up the steps with this 600 pound desk was not easy but we managed to do it. with my back to his office i yelled for hank. "where should i put this desk sarge" i yelled not seeing who was in the office. "just put it next to yours" he said back. as we put down the desk, hank and this girl came out. well she was actually beautiful taking a second look.
"guys this is hailey. she will be joining the team" hank said. everyone smiled and introduced themselves. "okay so i want kim to be with adam now" hank said reassigning partners. "so i have to deal with him at work and at home. lord help me." kim said joking. everyone laughed but adam did not understand the joke very well and was quite confused. "vanessa and kevin. jay you be with hailey and get her used to everything" i nodded my head and i got to show her around the district.
"so have you ever been to chicago before i heard you moved here" i asked trying to make conversation. "yeah i actually grew up here but moved to arizona for work" she said.
switch pov to hailey:
i can't believe how welcoming the team is of me and honestly i can't wait to get to know them better. jay is so nice and showing me around the district. we pass the locker room where i see kim sitting talking on the phone. "hey i need to go talk to her for a second i'll be right back" i said to jay. he nodded and walked away so i went in. "bye baby i see you later. i love you" kim said hanging up the phone. she turned around when i walked in. "hey hailey how are you liking it here." she said. "i love it. really" i say. "i actually had to ask you something." i tell her. "yeah what's up" she said. "hank told me you had a kid?" i say. she smiled, "yes i have a son, brady, he's 2" i felt good knowing that brady and amelia were the same age. "why do you ask?" she said. "well i have a daughter almost the same age and it just made me feel a little better knowing that you had a kid too" i said. "aww they have to meet soon! they will be best friends" she said laughing. "she would love that" i said. we talked for a few more minutes and set up a date for them to meet. after a while there was no work to do so we all left. they talked about going to molly's which was a bar i'm guessing but most of them don't know that i do have a daughter so i just told them i had to finish unpacking so another night. when i got back to my apartment, i opened the door and amelia ran into my arms and didn't let go for a while. i thanked the nanny and payed her. millie and i sat on the couch and watched a movie while she falls asleep in my arms. i put her in her bed and went to bed myself. i set my alarm and right before i went to turn my phone off i got a text from jay: "hey it was great meeting you today" he said. i caught myself smiling at the text but i realized i probably shouldn't. mark left me not even 2 months ago and i can't get hurt like that again. but jay is so nice and seems like a great person. i have no idea what to do.

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