part 3

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i woke up from a call from jay saying we have a case. it's my real first case with this team so i'm nervous but also excited in a way which sounds really awful. i made amelia breakfast before i woke her up so it would be ready for her. i got myself ready and then finally woke her up. she was very cuddly this morning so i knew it would be hard to leave her but she really does love the nanny so it all works out hopefully. jay texted me and offered to pick me up so i said yes, gave him my address and took amelia over to the nanny's apartment. he texted me and said he was here so i went out. i saw his truck and he drove up to me.
"hey thank for picking me up" i say getting in the car. "yeah of course" he says smiling back. we make small talk until we get to the scene where a teenage gang banger was shot 3 times and killed. "two bullets to the chest and one to the head. narcotics wants us to take over since it's the 4th death in 5 days." hank says as we walk up to the body. "NO MY BABY" a women screams trying to get past officers. "ma'am calm down please. you can't go past" one of them said. "please please he is my son. he's my baby. let me see him" she said back to the officer. "hailey, with me" hank said as we walk over to the women. "hey hey it's okay let her through." hank said to the officer. "ma'am are you sure you want to see him?" i say, trying to prepare her for what she is about to see. "please let me say goodbye" she said grabbing my hands. i looked at hank and he nodded so we walked over to the kid. when we got there kevin looked at me with a bad look and took the tarp of the body. "NO"she fell to the ground dragging me with her. she cried into my arms. i let her. i can't imagine how she is feeling right now. if i ever lost amelia i would never be the same so i feel terrible for this mother. after a few minutes her husband came and picked up up off me and he just held her. then i started thinking again, what happens if i do get hurt or even die. amelia would be left alone again. maybe it is a good idea to start something with jay. what's the worst that can happen. i was pulled out of thought when jay called for me. "what sorry" i said back to him. "are you okay? you seem out of it" he says worried. i smile at him. "it's just these kinds of cases get to me you know?" i say not wanting to tell him the truth of what's really going on. he nodded and we drove back the district. finally after many hours we found out who killed daren and all the others. his name was marcus dey, a very powerful man in the drug game. lucky we caught him so no one had to go undercover. he's in prison for a very very long time. "you guys want to go to molly's tonight? platt is singing karaoke tonight" kevin said as we were finishing up paperwork. "how did you get her to do that" kim said shocked that she would do such a thing. "she lost a bet my friend. platt does not back out of a bet" everyone laughed, even hank, and then i realized. i figured out where trudy was from. "hailey you coming?" vanessa asked. i didn't know what to say and kim gave me the you don't have to look. "uh maybe" i said. "come on we need to get to know you better. you're like a mystery person" adam says. i laughed, "good my plan is working" i said joking. "fine for one drink though" i say giving in. "yes myself person is fun myself person" adam said. "let's go you fool" kevin said. we walk downstairs and before i walk out of the door i go over to trudys desk. "hey hailey how's it going" she said. "good actually it's really good" i say smiling. "great. do you need something?" she asks. "actually yes. 13 years ago, we're you working the case in greektown? the owner was killed and the whole place was torn apart?" i asked her. "yes i was. i found a little girl hiding under the desk. she would have been dead too if she wasn't hiding in the spot she was. she was the bravest girl i have ever met." she said almost tearing up. "oh my. that was you! hailey upton. your dad was mike upton. you were the little girl" she says making the connection. i smiled. "if it wasn't for you, i don't know where i would be today. i just wanted to say thank you. i never got to back then." i told her. "hailey let's go. we have drinks waiting!!" kevin yelled up the steps. "i coming!" i yelled back. i smiled once more and walked down the steps where the rest of the team was. "ready slow poke?" adam says. "adam you're just like brady oh my god learn some patience" kim said yelling at adam. while i was in the car i texted the nanny and she made me go out saying i need to make friends and her and amelia were fine. it made me feel so much better knowing she was there for me no matter what. when we get there i get to meet a lot of people from fire and med. everyone seems to get along really well. i kind of stuck with jay the most because i do know him the best and i he's really good to me. after meeting everyone jay and i sit at the bar and we start talking. "tell me about yourself. you really are a big mystery" jay said. i punched his arm in a playful way. "i'm not a mystery i literally met you all like a month ago." i say defending myself. "no i'm kidding. i was born and raised here, near greek town, i have 2 brothers, josh and tyler, my parents owned a restaurant but someone robbed it once and killed my dad and stole everything, my mom is the best person ever but i haven't seen her for a while and i moved to arizona for work." i said giving him what he wants to hear. he looked at me shocked and surprised that i just said all that. "oh wow umm sorry about your dad" it's the only thing he could say because he was lost for words. "don't be. he was a dick. pretty abusive and whatnot." i said. i'm smiled and decided it was time to tell him.
"also one more thing," i said and he laughed. "what is there else about you hailey upton?" he said. "well.. i have a daughter."

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