part 10

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i woke up to the sun shining in my apartment window, with Jay's arms wrapped around me. Somehow Millie cuddled her way into our bed last night and honestly I have no idea how she got out of bed. Tonight I was leaving Jay and Millie all alone to go out with Kim and some of the girls from the firehouse. I haven't met them yet but Kim said they are amazing and super fun to drink with so I wasn't worried about it. Jay and Millie were both still sleeping so I just let them and carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake either. We don't have work today so we were planning to move some of Jay's things in and just chill today. I started to make breakfast when Jay come out of our room, pulling a shirt over his head. He walked over to the stove where I was standing and wrapped his arms around my waist, head on my shoulder almost falling back asleep. "good morning sleepy head" I said hitting his head with a spoon. He wasn't fazed by this and lifted his head off my shoulder, turning me around to see his face. He smiled and grabbed my face, k me, then got a cup of coffee. I put the stove on low, grabbing my coffee from the counter.

"Are you sure you'll be okay with Millie tonight? I feel bad putting it on you" I said, asking for like the 400th time. "We will be fine Hails and also you didn't put it on me I offered." He said looking at me with "the look". "Go have fun. I will do my best to not kill your child," he said walking towards me. I faked an offended look and he kissed me again until out of nowhere, Millie ran over to us and jumped into my arms. We ate breakfast together and I put on a show for Millie while Jay and I cleaned up the kitchen.

Hours passed and I got ready to leave. I walked out of my room to see Jay playing on the floor, while Mickey Mouse was on the TV. Jay looked up and smiled, which led Millie to see me going somewhere. She tilt her head in confusion and walked up to me. I picked her up and she smiled at me. "Where going Mama?" her little voice asked. I felt guilty leaving her but I knew it would be okay because she is safe here with Jay. "I'm going to have dinner with Kim and some other friends." I told her. "You're going to stay here with Jay, okay?" I told her.

Her face lit up with excitement and Jay stood up, walking to where I was standing. Millie jumped over to him and he gave me the "I told you so look". I smiled and they walked me to the door. Kising them both, opened it and they waved. "Say bye-bye to M" Jay told Millie and she just waved, which was fine because she doesn't really like to talk to me when Jay is there. I walked downstairs, greeting Kim as she picked me up. We drove to the bar and I got to meet Stella, Sylvie and another girl named Violet. Natalie was there too but I already have met her because she is dating Jay's brother.

Meanwhile, at the apartment, Jay was searching for Amelia after the had been playing Hide-and-Seek for the last half hour. He always acted like he couldn't see her little toes sticking out, or her little giggles under the covers. She thought that she was a pro at this game and was always so proud of herself when she found Jay. Opening the pantry, she popped out from her hiding place and he scoped her up into his arms while she giggled.

"You hungry yet" he asked her while she caught her breath. She made an adorable scrunch with her nose and nodded her head yes. "Pizza?" he asked her. He knew she would say yes because that is like the only thing this girl eats. She got all excited and he carried her over to the counter. He sat her on the edge while getting her juice and he got the pizza out of the freezer. while it was cooking, millie stood up on the counter while jay held her small hands. she jumped into his arms and did it until the pizza was done, laughing more and more each time.

they ate and it end up getting pretty late so jay put her in pajamas and they sat on the couch, millie sitting on his lap. he put on a movie and she was already half asleep, laying on his chest. she started to move around to adjust in his arms, while she looked up at him rubbing her eyes.
"what's wrong honey?" he asked her with a slight smile on his face. "you dadda?" she asked. he smiled at the thought. this is what he has always wanted and she really likes him, even though he's not really her dad, he feels like he has never missed a day of her life.

"hopefully one day honey i promise" he said, kissing her head. she smiled and her eyes shut. he played with her hair to make her fall asleep and within 3 minutes, she was passed out. he wanted to keep what millie said from hailey just because he didn't know how she was going to act. he started to fall asleep until he heard the apartment door open. hailey walked in, setting her coat and keys on the table. when she looked over at the couch, she was almost in tears. she walked up to the back of it and kissed jays head, which startled him a little, and she walked around to sit next to him. he removed one arm from under amelia and put it around hailey, pulling her closer to him. he placed a kiss on her head as she closed her eyes.

"was she good?" hailey asked, with her eyes still shut. he chuckled. "yes she was an angel. did you have fun?" she opened her eyes and kissed him. "yes i did. stella, from 51, she has a daughter a few months older than mills." jay smiled as he watched hailey talk about her night. they sat there for a few minutes until they both got tired and put amelia in her bed, then went to bed themselves. jay wrapped his arms around haileys small waist and she felt safe in his arms. they quickly fell asleep.

jays alarm went off early the next morning and they both groaned while waking up."no no no. turn it off" hailey said tired. she rolled over and buried her face into jays chest. he kissed her head and started rubbing her back. "let's skip work i'm too tired to go" she said with her eyes still closed. he laughed and started to get up. hailey groaned and threw the covers back over her head.

jay opened the door to see amelia standing right infront of it waiting for someone to get her. "what are you doing girl? how'd you get out of bed?" he said picking her up. she giggled and laid her head on his shoulder. "you're just like momma huh?" he said laughing because hailey was doing the same thing.

"mama!" amelia shouted. that little voice made hailey wake right up. she opened her arms and millie jumped right in. it was the longest the two have been apart from eachother and hailey missed her very much. jay laughed and got into the shower. while he was in there, millie was trying to tell hailey all about last night but she wasn't really paying attention.
"mama?" amelia said looking up at her. "yes baby" hailey said looking down at her. she paused for a moment and the. laughed.

"is that daddy?" she asked with hopeful eyes. hailey didn't know what to do and froze for a moment. then she looked down at her and smiled. "do you want him to be? are you okay with that" she asked. she wasn't ready for the question but glad it game up.
amelia had the biggest smile on her face and jumped into haileys arms. she placed a kiss at the top of her daughters head and just like her daughter, had the biggest smile.
a few seconds, jay came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and amelia jumped off the bed to get him. he was confused and looked at hailey, just to see her smiling face.

"i'll tell you later" she said. "let's go get breakfast mills". getting up from the bed, she grabbed amelia from jays arms and kissed him on the lips.
millie was sitting at the table, eating pancakes while hailey was making coffee. jay came up behind her and kissed her all over, flipping her around to face him. she kissed him on the lips again and pulled away smiling. "what" he said looking at his girlfriend. she puts her arms around his neck and he lifted her onto the counter.

"mills asked me today if she could call you daddy" hailey said. he immediately had a smile on his face. "i know. she asked me last night" he said. she pulled away and faked being offended "why the hell didn't you tell me?" she said. he grabbed her face and kissed her again. "i didn't know if you were ready." he said. "whatever" hailey said laughing and kissed him getting down. "i have to get ready for work. will you clean her off and get her dressed?" she asked. jay nodded and everyone got ready.

they dropped millie off at daycare and walked through the front doors of the district. jay was talking about the cubs game, which hailey had no care for, when trudy called them over to her desk. "hey if this is about that sign, i had no idea it was there and i didn't even mean to hit it" hailey said. trudy gave her a confused look and laughed.
"we'll talk about that later. there is someone here for you? said they had some papers for you" she said.

"is this is another report, i'm going-" hailey said turning around. her whole body froze and her heart dropped to to floor. she didn't think she would ever see him again. "wha- what- are you doing here? how did you find me?" she said, her voice starting to break. "we're going to court tomorrow. i'm taking my daughter back from you"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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