part 6

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i smiled as she drove away, although i was sad she was leaving so soon. when i walked back into kim's house they ALL stared at me. "dude. you aren't even trying to hide it anymore" kevin said. damn i thought i was being chill. "i have no idea what your talking about." i said back. "look jay if you like her, go for it. but once you're in, you can't let them go. hailey has been through enough and if another dad figure comes into amelias life and leaves again, she'll never trust anyone." kim said. don't scare him kim jesus. "i saw go for it. the way you guys look at eachother, someone might think you're already married" adam said. i'm sick of these people, because they are always right. "i didn't know i was coming to a therapy session today. i'm going home." i said laughing walking out the door. "see you tomorrow lover boy!" kevin shouted. i got in my car and headed to my apartment. when i was walking in the door i got the text from hailey saying she made it home. a part of me was relieved that they made it home safely. i took a shower and went to bed.

i woke up to a call from hank saying he wanted to talk to me this morning so i got amelia up and took her over to the nanny's. when i got to the district it was pretty empty, a few patrol officers here and there. i walked upstairs and no one was there besides hank so i knocked and went into his office. "hey upton. thanks for coming this early" hank said. "i just wanted to check in on you. see how you're doing" thank god i'm not in trouble. "everything is better than i expected. i really did get close with everyone right away and amelia sure does like it here." i said. he smiled. "good. you are a really good detective i'm glad you'll be staying." he said. right when he said that he got a call saying we got a case. he called the rest of the unit and we headed to the scene. when i got there, it felt like i had lived this before. a store owner murdered and a child left behind. it's what happened to me. the little girl, around 7 years old, was talking to a few patrol officers. i walked over and she looked at me with her puffy brown eyes and long brown hair. i signed for the other officers to go somewhere else and we went over to a bench. "i'm hailey. i'm a detective and we're going to help you okay" i said. "he wanted to kill me. he pointed the gun at me and he heard the sirens and ran off" she said starting to cry again. i hugged her and let her cry for a while. this is exactly what happened to me. word for word. "can you tell me your name?" i asked her. "katie. katie pulscamp." she said. "okay katie my partner and i are going to take you over to the hospital and get you checked out over there and hopefully you can help us find out who did this. can you wait right here for a few minutes?" i asked her. she nodded and i got up and walked over to the rest of the team. "did you get anything out of her?" kim asked. "no. she's freaked out but this has to be connected to something. will you have platt meet me at med? she will know." i said. hank nodded and jay and i walked back over to katie. "ready?" i asked. she stood up and looked around. "my dad. he- he's dead" she said. i looked at jay. "the adrenaline finally wore off." he said. i turned back around to katie and before i could say anything, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out. jay caught her "can i get some help over here!" he yelled as he was putting katie on her back. a few paramedics rushed over with a gurney and took her in the ambulance. "you go i'll follow you" he said and ran over to his car. i hopped into the ambulance and we drove to med. when we got there, they rushed katie into a room and i waited outside. jay came in, just as worried as me and soon after trudy was at my side. "you wanted to talk?"she said. i nodded. "it's the same thing trudy. a store robbed and the dad murdered, a child left behind." i said. she looked scared and put a hand on my shoulder and another over her mouth as she looked in the room. "i'm confused" jay said. we both looked at him, then at each other.  i nodded and looked back at him. "when i was little, someone robbed my dads store and killed him and tried to kill me but the police got there before he could. they same thing happened to katie. i think it's related, but we need more from katie" i said. he looked worried and looked back at katie. "why don't you two go back to the district. i'll wait here for katie. the team needs to know and you should be the one to tell them. and i know you don't want to leave her but i promise i won't leave her side and i'll bring her to you when she's discharged" she said. i nodded and looked back one more time. we walked to jays car and drove back to the district. i told the team what happened to me and they were confused but got on it. after searching for a while, we found the name of the guy who took out my dad. Brian Morgan. i still get shivers when i hear his name but we did more searching. there had been 5 other robberies with the same exact story. owner murdered, a child left behind. "hey i found something" vanessa said. we all walked over to her desk. "Brian has a half brother, Ben. he has a pretty long past. violence, robbery's, all of it. get this, he has visited Brian 43 times in the past 4 years when Brian got visiting rights back." she explained. i got a text from trudy saying katie was okay and they were on there way over. i showed jay the text and he nodded in relief. "do you think we could show her a line up? she saw who did it" kim asked. "if she thinks she can, go for it. do not push her, this little girl has been through enough." hank said. katie and trudy walked in through the garage and jay and i took her to the break room. "how you feeling?" jay asked sitting down. she liked around and sat down next to me. "i'm okay i think. i just. i can't believe he's dead" the little girl said. "katie i'm going to tell you something about myself okay" i told her. "when i was around your age, the same thing happened to me. a man came into the store and killed my dad and almost killed me too. the police came right in time so he ran. i help the detectives because i could remember what he looked like. do you remember what the man who killed your dad looked like?" i said. she looked shocked. she closed her eyes and said, "he was tall and had red hair and a tattoo on his face. that's all i can remember. i'm sorry" she said. "no no you're doing great. can we show you a few pictures and you point out who did it?" jay asked her. "yeah i think i can do it." she said. jay walked to get the pictures and put them on the table. not even looking at them for a minute, she pointed to Ben and started to cry. "he killed my daddy" she said crying in jays arms. i nodded and went to tell hank. they headed out to grab Ben but jay and i stayed behind to wait for katie's mom. while waiting, katie fell asleep in jays arms. "i had no idea this happened to you hailey" he said. "it's not really something you just bring out in the random" i said with a laugh. "you know, you're really good with kids. they like you" i said. "what can i say, everyone loves me" he said. i laughed and trudy came upstairs with katie's mom. you could tell she had been crying all day. "i'm so sorry i have been in Wisconsin all day for work. i just got the call a few hours ago" she said crying. "don't worry about it. you have a really strong daughter ma'am. not many kids could go through what she did." i said. she thanked me and jay brought out half-sleeping katie who ran up to her mom. they thanked us and went home. trudy walked them back to their car after checking on me and it was just jay and i. he walked over to me to make sure i was okay but i just started crying. he hugged me and let me cry for a few moments. "i never wanted to think of this day ever again and seeing another child go through it, it sucks" i said, wiping my tears. "cases like these are hard, especially when they're personal" i took a deep breath. "you good?" he asked. "yeah. thank you. also i got your shirt wet. sorry" i said laughing. "it's all good." he smiled. god he is so cute. "come over tonight. millie misses you." i said. he raised an eyebrow. "is it her that wants me to come?" he said joking. "okay maybe we both do. but she actually does miss you." i said laughing. "i'll be there" he said. "good" right after the rest of the team came in with Ben. it's over. for good. now tonight....

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