chapter 9

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jay and i have been together for a few months now and amelia just turned 3 a few weeks ago. it was a normal morning and we woke up, dropped amelia off at pre school and we headed to the district. there was nothing for us to do today so hank made us go run some errands for him. i didn't have a problem with it because really i just got to be with jay and spend some time with him. i really do think i love him. he has so good with millie and he treats her like she's her own daughter, which she loves. we were headed to pick up some pizza and salad for lunch for the unit and jay and i were just making some small talk.
"no i'm telling you, it's the best princess movie there is" he said trying to make his point. "when you watch it every night for 2 years, then you can have an opinion. i can recite the entire script on my own" i said laughing. we were talking about moana because millie wants to watch it every night with him before bed. some nights he stays over if it gets late but then other night he goes home. we got to the pizza place and we're waiting to pick up our order when i just blurted it out. "move in" i said. he looked at me trying to understand if he heard that right. "i know i know we've only been together for like 6 months but jay i love you and so does she. i love when you make her laugh and hearing her giggle so hard she can't breathe. you watch moana with her every night like you didn't just watch it the night before and she really does love you. so think about it. if you want" i said almost out of breath from talking so fast. he pulled my waist and kissed my head. "i thought about it. i'll do it because i love her so much and you so much." he said without hesitation. i smiled. "plus your apartment is scary" i said. he looked very offended in a joking way. "i'm not moving in now. how you like that?" he said. i gasped and smacked his arm. he laughed and grabbed the pizzas of the counter. we headed back to 21 and did some paperwork the rest of the day. we finally got off and went to pick amelia up from the babysitters. when she saw jay in the car she got so happy and ran up to him. while on the way home she tried to tell us all about her day but kept getting off track and would start a different story. we got back to my apartment and i made dinner while jay played with amelia. i got a call from kim saying that she wanted to go out tomorrow for a girls night but i was worried about leaving millie by herself. while i was on the phone, jay came up to me when millie went to the bathroom and stood behind me, pulling my body onto his.
kim: hailey you have to come out. everyone needs a break from their kids sometimes
hailey: i would love to, really, but what about millie?
jay looked up from having his head on my shoulder and had a smile on his face. "i'll watch her hails" he said. he looked very happy and excited to do it. i took a breath and kissed him. "are you sure?" i asked. i didn't want to put this on him if he wasn't ready. "yes we will be fine" he said. amelia ran over and jumped into his arms.
hailey: kim i'll call you back, okay?
kim: your coming
hailey: bye kim
"did you wash your hands?" i asked her with my eyebrows raised. "yes i did" she said proud. "good girl" i said. she looked very proud of herself and jay gave her a high five. i looked at jay one more time for reassurance for tomorrow night. he kissed me on the head and looked a millie. "we'll be fine. right mil?" he said. she looked confused and looked at me but just nodded in agreement. "do you want to  stay with him tomorrow while i go to dinner with kim?" i asked her. her eyes got super big and she got the biggest smile on her face."i think that's a yes" i said laughing. i grabbed her out of jay arms and gave her a big big hug with a bunch of kisses to go with it. i brushed her hair and teeth and we went to put her in bed. i sat in her chair with her in my arms and her blankets while jay read her a story. she fell asleep within 5 minutes and i just watched jay read her a book about a strong girl who doesn't let anyone step on her. i laid her in her bed and we snuck out of her room quietly. i laughed as we walked out. "you're a very good storyteller. really got into it." i said kissing him. "shut up. it put her to sleep right." he said kissing me back. i looked at him with the look. "come put me to sleep." i said grabbing his had. "damn girl" he said walking me into my room. you know what happened after that, right? ;)

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