part 4

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i honestly really like hailey. she's funny and gorgeous but she's also a great detective and a good addition to the team. we were together the whole time a molly's because i did get that she is a little shy so we got to know eachother really well. she told me a little about her past and taking to her feels like we have know eachother for so long.
"also one more thing." she said and i laughed. "what is there else about you hailey upton?" i asked. her face turned to a sort or worry/happy look. "well... i have a daughter" she said. i was shocked to say the least. i really did like her a lot but now? she probably has a husband and now is raising a child with her. "wow. i would have had no idea." i told her. she smiled thinking about her and i asked. "what's her name?" she smiled seeing i was interested in her personal life. "amelia. she's almost 2 and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. especially after what went down." she said. i was confused about what she meant by "what went down" but i didn't know if she wanted to share that with me so we just talked about her. "she has the prettiest, wavy blonde hair and big blue eyes. she does not hold back though when she has something say." she said laughing at the thought of her daughter. "wanna see a picture?" she asked me. i was happy that she was happy and i hope we can be great friends if she does have a husband. "of course." i answer back to her. hailey pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of this adorable little girl who had the biggest smile on her face. "she looks just like you hailey. she's beautiful" she looked up at me and smiled, knowing what i just did there. "yeah i'm glad she looks like me. nothing like him" she said rolling her eyes. again i was very confused so i decided to ask. "what do you mean? if it's not to personal" i asked. she sighed. "it's a long story. i moved to arizona for work and met this amazing guy and he really wanted to start a family and i didn't want any kids at the time but he insisted on it so we had amelia. after she was born he became more and more distant and about 6 months ago, he left us for another women so i moved back home." she said. i wasn't expecting that at all and i felt sorry for her. "i'm so sorry i had no idea." i said. i really don't know how to help her in this situation so i'm just going to be there for her. "it's not really a conversation i would talk about to guys like you." she said. once again, i was confused. "guys like me?" i said with an eyebrow raise. "yeah. guys like you" she smiled and i looked her in her beautiful eyes and smiled. "i-" she tried to say something when kevin pulled us over to the a table so we could all talk. hailey had a few more drinks but eventually had to leave and i offered to drive her home but she insisted i stay. i don't think anyone else on the team knows about amelia besides me and kim so i wasn't going to talk about it or anything but when she left, adam him my shoulder."dude she's been her 5 months and you're already in love" he said. "shut up man it's not like that. i'm just trying to get to know her" i said, not wanting to really tell them about my feelings. "yeah whatever you say bro" adam said as i walked back to the bar to get another drink. as i was waiting kim came up to me. "look i'm guessing hailey told you about amelia?" she said. "yeah just a few minutes ago. i feel so bad for her." i said back to her. "just be careful. she's already been hurt enough and if you do like her which it really does look like it, don't leave. they both need you." she said. then walked away. kim was right, if i want to get anywhere with hailey i have to get somewhere with her daughter. am i even ready for that. is it worth it in the end. to be with hailey?

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