chapter 8

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i walked into the district in a good mood, better than usual. im still in shock from last night and i loved it honestly. "sargent how are you doing on this fine morning" i said walking up to her desk. "what's your problem. why so happy" trudy said. "good night" i said. she chuckled and i walked upstairs. "jay where were you last night. we were supposed to get drinks" kevin said hitting my arm. "uh right i forgot" i said trying not at act suspicious. they all looked at me in a weird way, probably because they know i never forget about thirsty thursday. they all looked at me weird but forgot about it. i walked into the break room where hailey was standing, pouring a cup of coffee. "hey" she said with a smile when she turned around. "hi" i said "so, do anything fun last night?" i said raising an eyebrow. she laughed and walked away. i smiled and went to pour a cup of coffee when adam and kevin walked in. "dude. you guys did it" adam said hitting me. "shut up no we didn't" i said quick. "for a detective, you're a bad liar" kevin said. i shook my head. "so sorry to disappoint but we didn't." i said walking out of the room. i laughed in my head and went to sit down at my desk to do some paperwork. i looked up and kevin and adam were still suspicious but eventually came out. after a few hours, hank ordered us lunch and we sat around talking and eating when the nanny came upstairs with running brady and amelia who jumped into haileys and kim's arms. when millie saw me, she got up super quick and ran over to me and gave me the biggest hug ever. hailey looked over and smiled and so did the rest of the unit. "you come over again?" she asked and everyone heard. hailey practically choked on her coffee while taking a drink and i just sat there trying not to smile. kevin handed kim $20 bucks and adam laughed. "i knew it!" hailey looked at me and laughed. "it's not like that. he came over for dinner because uh millie wanted to see him" she said trying not to laugh. they all shook their heads and hank came up to the bullpen. the kids ran up to him because they love him and he loves them too. ever since justin died, his wife never came back with the baby, and hank loves kids so they get along well.
"look guys it's been a long week, take the rest of the day off, it's a nice day out" hank said. we were all pretty shocked because we never get off work early, so we decided to take advantage of it. "hey there's a festival downtown by the park, we can take the kids" kim said. both their faces lit up and obviously hailey said yes, so they finished up a few more things and headed to the festival. when the got there, kevin ran off with the kids to a clown while the rest of us got drinks. we made our way over to where the kids were and laughed at the sight of kevin getting his faced painted with brady and amelia. "momma i tiger" she said running over to me when the clown was done painting her face. "you're a cute tiger" she said back. then amelia looked up at me and smiled, wanting me to see her face paint. "very scary" i said. hailey smiled and millie laughed. we rode many rides and played many games. i pretty sure i won millie around 10 stuffed animals, until we couldn't hold anymore. "slide" amelia said running up to the lit up slide. she took my hand and i looked at hailey. "have fun" she said and we took off. after walking up about 5 steps, she got tired so she made me carry her the rest of the way and when we got to the top, we waved to hailey and everyone else down at the bottom and raced adam and brady down the slide. we obviously won by a mile and millie laughed the whole way down. i could see hailey smiling and hearing her laugh made me so happy.

haileys pov:
seeing jay carry millie up the steps and seeing them go down the slide made it feel like jay has never missed a day of her life. "you know how a few weeks ago, i said you would know when your ready and when amelia is ready?" kim asked me. "yeah" i said. "i think you both are ready. look at them. it would break her to lose him" she said. i looked back up at millie laughing and jay looking down at her and i knew this would last. the sun was starting to go down and the festival was having fireworks so we all went to the park and sat in the grass, brady and millie running around nearby. i was sitting next to jay while and kim and adam went to get us drinks and kevin was talking to a friend from high school. "where do you expect me to keep all these stuffed animals jay. there's so many" i said joking. "well you see, that one can go in her room, that one stays in the car, you keep one in your room, i'll keep some. there all figured out" he said with a smile. i laughed shaking my head. "you really love her don't you?" i asked him after a few seconds. he looked at me and looked back at her, laughing and running from brady. "yeah, i do" he said looking back at me. i took a deep breath. "if we do this, you have to promise me you won't leave. you can't run away or die or go be with another women with no kids because i-" he cut me off by kissing me. "i won't leave. i promise" he said. i smiled and kissed him again. "good because i really do like you and so does mil" i said. no soon after amelia came running over because the fireworks were starting. she sat down in my lap and we all watched the beautiful sky light up. i felt like i was in a movie with jay by my side and millie in my lap. after a while she fell asleep and the show was over so jay walked me to my car i put amelia in her seat and shut the door. "come over again tomorrow? but stay the night this time" i said before he walked away. "i'll be there" he said. he kissed me for the last time and went to his car. i drove home smiling. maybe mark leaving was the best thing to ever happen.

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