part 5

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today i'm taking amelia over to kim's house so she can meet everyone. i was a little nervous at first because i didn't know how she would feel meeting everyone at once but after really getting to know them the other night, i was fine with it. she's super excited about getting to meet them so i'm happy. i'm also scared to admit that i'm happy jays going to be there. he makes me happy and i really hope amelia likes him because i do see a future with him but i don't know if he feels the same way. anyways we get in the car and head over to kim's house. i knock on the door, holding mille in my arms when a little boy opens the door. "hi" he said before kim comes running over. "i told you that you weren't allowed to answer the door brady." she said. he had an evil little laugh and ran away. "sorry we're trying to teach him not to do that. anyway welcome! you must be amelia" she said smiling. "yes i am." amelia said proud. "come on in" kim said inviting us in. "mommy down" amelia said wanting me to let her down. i was surprised because usually she's shy but i guess she's not today? brady came over and they ran to play outside on the play set. "thought you said she was shy?" kevin said laughing, coming to greet me. "i was not expecting that. at all" i said back to him. her and brady are already playing on the slide laughing everything they go down it. i walked out back where everyone else was sitting and saw jay smiling at the two kids playing around. he saw me and gave me a hug and had me sit next to him. we sat around and had a really good time, hank even showed up for a few drinks. everyone loved amelia and she loved them. i'll admit i got really close with jay especially when he was running around with millie playing tag with her. i was sitting with kim and vanessa and they are such amazing people but so pushy. "jay would be such a good dad" vanessa said winking at me. i laughed and shoved her shoulder. "i met you all like 2 months ago. he definitely isn't ready to make that commitment." i said back. but maybe he was i don't know. "love at first sight. how do you think brady was born?" kim said. i gasped then laughed. kim got up to get another drink and i sat with vanessa. "do you really think i should? is it too soon?" i asked her. "love doesn't have a time. you know or you don't. but seeing jay chasing her around, her laughs. it could be that time. it just depends if it's your time. with him." she said. i really thought about that. amelia deserves someone like jay in her life. someone who will play with her, teach her house to play sports and how to get through life. "momma momma help!" amelia said running over to me. "he's trying to get mee!" she said jumping on my lap. i saw jay jogging over with the biggest smile on his face. "she's fast, but not as fast as me." he said sitting next to me. "i win" she said with a sassy attitude. "you forfeit. you ran to your mom" he said. "i win" she said. "don't think i'm going to win this fight" he said looking up at me. "nope" she said running off to find brady. "now every time you see her, she's going to remind you that she won." i said "i should be hearing that a lot then" he said. i grinned seeing what he did there. "you're really good with kids, especially her." i said back. "i have a nephew, he's 6 and had a lot of energy just like her." he said. so, he is good with kids. ugg he's making it so hard not to fall in love with him. he looked back over at her playing and laughing. "she's beautiful hailey. she really is" he said looking back at me. i smiled and could feel my face get red. we stayed a few more hours and i could see amelia getting tired so we got ready to leave. as i got all of our things packed up i turned and saw jay holding her as she was falling asleep "do you want me to take her?" i offered. he shook his head and walked me to my car. i opened the door for him to put her in it and shut it very quietly so she didn't wake up. "are you good?" he asked. i looked back at her and looked back at him. "yeah. i'm good. i had a lot of fun today and obviously she did too" i said. he laughed and we just stood there for a few moments. i'm going to do it. i hope vanessa was right. "hey why don't you come over soon. millie would really like it. she likes you" he grinned and said, "she the one who likes me?" he said. "shut up. just come" i said. "i'll be there" he said l. i smiled and he came to the drivers side with me. "text me when you get home. just so i know you're not dead okay" he said. "i will. i promise" i said. "okay i'll see you at work tomorrow. have a good night hailey" he said opening me door for me. "you too. bye" i said. "bye"

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