New Pet

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-Short bitty story sorry (pun unintended but much appreciated)-
Dust POV
Nightmare said that he wanted us to get a pet for the mansion so that we wouldn't get so bored. Apparently we had been getting really stir crazy. Though I suspect he just wanted an excuse for us to leave so he could have alone time with Error. Killz, myself and Cross were the only members of our small gang. We are going to take over the world and we are going pet shopping. Killz is a child, happy, hyper, and no memory of his life before we took him into the family. Cross went to watch him in the mall while I headed to the Bitty Store across the street. I've head of these little skeletons from other AUs but this is the first time I've thought of getting one.
"I'll just have a look" I reasoned.
Entering I was smacked with bright colours and hip hop music. All of this was silent in my mind though when I saw a scrawny bitty in a small cage. The smallest one there by far. I bent down and looked at him curiously.
"Hey little guy" my voice smoothed and calming trying to calm the little guys tremors.
Just then a employee came up behind me.
"You don't want to buy him sir, look at the others" the bitty flinched.
"What happened to his skull..."
"The little shit bit his last owner and was thrown against the wall."
I looked at the employee sadly and nodded.
"Why is he so small"
"They're all small"
"Yes but he's real scrawny"
"His owner before the incident starved the thing"
I shook my head. Little guys been put through hell like us other members of the gang, of our little family. The bitty noticed I was there and he pushed the small hoodie they gave him over his skull. I could tell he was ashamed of his scars. He smiled at me when I touched the bars, a small sad smile.
He then looked at the employee and growled in fear. The employ kicked the cage and gestured to the other bitties. I was starting to hate this guy.
I sighed and smiled happily.
"I want him"
"You can't be serious"
"I'm very serious, how much?"
I gave him a cold glare trying to hide my giddiness at getting a little friend.
"He's free, just get him out of here, he's scaring our customers."
"He's scared asshole" I reached in the cage after pulling it open. I held my finger in front of him and he hesitantly grabbed hold. His legs dangling on one side and his cat like eye staring at my every move.
I left without looking at the guy with the little guy still hanging on. I was thinking of names for him.
"Can you speak little guy"
"....yes sir"
I almost cried at how small and fragile his voice was. "You're adorable you know that"
He stared at me like I was crazy before I moved my palm out and let him slowly climb into it. He leaned against it and nuzzled it slightly. Before deciding to curl up around my thumb.
"So you got a name?"
".....Horror." He looked down sadly.
"That names ironic"
"Because you are the opposite of horrible"
He blushed taken aback before shoving my hand slightly.
"My names Dust no more sirs"
"Okay Dusty-I-I-mean"
"Aww I like that Rory"
I pet his head and smiled happily. I made a new friend. Nightmare and the gang would be so jealous.

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