No hope

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A human hung limply in his brothers arms. Though it was dead, Horror could see the fear on its face in its final moments. Horror knew he could've just as easily been the one beaten until he stops moving. He had been in that position with his brother before. He felt selfish that what little hope he had had went towards hoping he wouldn't be next.
Papyrus chopped up the human and tore into it. Any day, that could be him being eaten. Any day that could be him eating someone. Most days they didn't know if they would wake up in the morning. Sometimes he wasn't sure if he wanted to.
When his brother had finished he looked back over at Sans. He felt beads of sweat roll down his cracked skull, he looked away. His brother grabbed him roughly by the scruff of his neck and began walking back to Snowden. All Horror could do was wonder and worry about what his- in the past, sweet precious, baby brother would do to him when he got inside.
Horror didn't want to be beat again, but he'd prefer that over getting locked in his room with his thoughts.
A part of him wondered if his brother even knew who he was doing this too. The other part knew the answer.
The wind was knocked out of his ribcage when Papyrus threw him skidding across the floor. The monster beneath him slowly recovered, sitting up. Papyrus took a lumbering step forwards and Sans ducked and curled into the empty cabinets behind him.
Papyrus looked him up and down with those soulless sockets and then lifted him up onto the counter. He was shoved against the back wall and kept there by his neck. Papyrus choked him while looking through a drawer, he pulled out a knife. Horror froze, the image of the human coming back. Papyrus isn't a cannibal, Sans tried to reason. He swore he would never eat Sans. But then again...he also swore he would never hurt him and that's been broken daily.
Sans shrunk back tried to hold back a scream when Papyrus cracked off a piece of his rib. He ate the magic fueled dust, sans dust hungrily. Horror was too stunned to move or say anything. He froze and closed his eye-lite not wanting to see this anymore.
Horror didn't try to bolt when Papyrus gripped his hand and bite off a finger. He didn't move a muscle when he pulled out a tooth.
Him being yanked off the counter made Sans wake up from his stupor though. He yelped and tried to get away. His brother was still stronger than him though. Frustrated and mortified tears sprang from the smaller's sockets as he was pulled up the stairs and shoved into his room.
Sans was alone in the dark again. No hope left in his scarred soul.

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