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They had just arrived after a successful food run. Nightmare had went with Horror as an added protection. Horror loved traveling to get supplies. (That is a story for another time though. ;)
In any case Nightmare had put his arm across Horrors neck as a side hug. He expected it to be returned with laughter or a playful shove. He did not expect Horror to fall to his knees.
Nightmare initially thought something had hurt him. But he didn't see his hp go down. Horror shook and he covered his head wound meekly. Showing his neck as a sign of submission.
Night was taken aback before a horrifying realization hit him. Horror acted on reflex.
Horror's hands slowly retracted from behind his head and he looked up at him. His eye was a pin-prick and he croaked out a heart wrenching, "I'm sorry sir" he shakily got up and ran. Night didn't have time to respond.
Wasn't hard for him to find him though. The trail of regret and self-hatred was easy to follow for the king of negativity.
He found Horror outside smoking on the porch talking to Fell.
"-Why why do I fucking do this shit-still after all this time!"
"I know what you mean but Jesus your bro was worse than mine"
"I fucking kneeled in front of Nightmare-like-like a damned dog! I-
"Shh shh hey it's alright buddy."
Fell put his hand over Horrors and I felt a wave of sympathy off of Fell. Horror however thoughts were only getting darker. I made myself known and came around the corner. Horror stiffened and Fell looked at me worriedly, asking for help silently.
I nodded to Fell and he left quickly, he wasn't good at handling emotions, no doubt Horror situation made him remember his own brother. I made a mental note to check on him later before I sat down next to Horror.
"Horror, what was that?"
"Besides embarrassing you mean?" He forced a watery chuckle.
"You shouldn't be embarrassed about something you can't control. Habits are hard to break."
"How did you- guess I'm obvious huh?"
"No, I just have....experience with these things. I know a habit when I see one"
Horror put out his cigarette out on his leg and got up to leave. "Horror please stay.."
He growled but eventually sat back down. I healed his leg. "Why'd you do that?"
"It makes my head stop hurting"
"I understand why you hurt yourself, though I hate it. I already know you struggle with survivors guilt which causes you to lash out on yourself. No I mean why did you kneel when I touched your neck."
Horror leaned on my shoulder and I gave him a reassuring side hug around his waist. He leaned against me and I smiled. He's finally starting to trust me.
After a moment of silence he answered, "my brother trained me to heel when he grabbed the back of my neck. A degrading way of keeping me from fighting back, after countless annual beatings, it stuck. Obeying was easier anyway... if I behaved he wouldn't have to get rid of me....I was a nuisance to him, nothing more. He'd usually grab me and lock me in my room for a few days. Or he'd throw me out in the snow." He choked up and curled against me. "It scared the living shit outta me Dad" he hollowly laughed.
That was disgusting. Sure, Horror could be a bit annoying at times but he never deserved to be thrown out like that. He must of been so confused and hurt being thrown away like some object he was done using. I growled and held the kid closer to me.
"I don't give a shit what you do Horror I will never throw you out or lock you away. I swear that to you."

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