Fired up

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Horror was nervous to say the least. Nightmare had asked him if his au was safe enough to hide in for a bit. He answered no but through some sort of manipulation he convinced him to let them come to Horrortale for a three days until the stars stopped looking for them.
Horror pov
Dust and Killer were arguing in front of the portal. I whimpered and went to grab them some bigger coats. They huffed at me saying I was being overprotective and motherly. I shook my head. "Why do you think my coat was so thick to begin with?"
Dust grumbled and Killer flipped me off, laughing. I just sighed and turned back to Nightmare pleadingly.
"Do as Horror says." They both cursed at me before dully nodding.
I silently thanked Nightmare. Nightmare chuckled and picked up all four suitcases with his tentacles. With a deep breath I led them through. When we arrived at my house I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw my brother wasn't home yet.  I had time to explain some things.
"Alright, don't look anyone in the eyes, don't talk to anyone, don't be loud, and whatever you do, do not let them know we have food."
Dust nodded with Nightmare. Couldn't tell if Killer even heard me. I just hoped Night would make sure they followed the rules.
Night quickly sets up everyone's things. Including stocking the shelves with food. "Oh and don't talk back to my papyrus."
Killer can't help but notice Horror pulling up his hood. He doesn't mention it. Nightmare watches Horror swing his heavy axe over his shoulder. Dust smells the air of Horrors home, the smell chokes him and he coughs. Sending a bone through table that's absolutely crawling with bugs. Killer yelps at the sudden attack and runs to Horror's side when he sees the swarm of bugs scatter from beneath the bone.
    Nightmare shudders at the decrepit home and puts a protective tentacle over the frightened Killer. He picks Dust up with another and places him beside Killer. Horror chuckles at there faces, "you look pretty horrified"
Though Dust is obviously unnerved he quickly quips back to Horror, "can't help it, it really bugs me." As if to punctuate the pun he slams his foot down, crushing a stray roach.
Killer chuckles half-heartedly. Nightmare grimaces at the three idiots he has come to love. He still can't wrap his skull around how gentle Rorry is when he's from this horror show.
       Horror nods his head and opens the door. Killer immediately wraps his coat around himself tighter.  The wind pierces them and they collectively understand why Horror lectured them on having a thicker coat.
    They walk in silence, only listening to the crunch of snow. Then Horror stops suddenly standing stock still. Even Killer knew to stop and be still. Horror growled and a group of seven monsters make themselves known.
Not knowing what to do, Nightmare looks to Horror. Horror seemed calm, or at least, knew what was happening. He stepped toward the group and skidded his axe across the snow. They ceased growling and stared back at Horror. He raised his head and tilted it to the left. One of the scavengers nodded and went right. Horror led his group left. Picking up his axe. After a few minutes of walking more in silence Nightmare had enough,
"What was that Horror?"
"They didn't want a fight, just directions." Horror huffed. "We look to healthy to win against."
"I see"
They continue on, Dust carries a restless Killer on his back. Nightmare let's Horror lead him and the group further into the village. Night starting to think this was a bad idea.
A starving wolf monster gnashes his teeth at them as drool drips down his snout. Horror brandishes his axe and bites the air at them. The wolf backs off. Dust sets down Killer and Nightmare lets Dust take a nap, holding him in his tentacles. Killer seems better now and more like his usual self. He joins Horror at the front and twirls his knife while cracking puns. Horror stays attentive to Killer but clearly has other things in his broken skull.  Horror wraps a arm around killer and sighs out a laugh eventually.
Then the four of them make it to Grillby's. Nightmare nudges Dust awake and Killer goes to race inside. Horror grabs him by the scruff of his hood before that works. "Let me go in first, stay behind me. Don't want the residents thinking your not with me."
"Daww Horror that's sweet but cmon please!"
"Keep your voice down, and no."
"Killer behave...." A tired Dust grumbled.
Nightmare chuckled and nodded to Horror as the two other skeletons began to argue.
Opening the door the four were greeted with the smell of loud screeching laughter and a warbled bark of a hideous looking Grillby. He lumbered out from behind the counter and went right up to Horror. He picked him up by his hood letting out a low moaning snarl. Killer gripped his knife ready to start swinging at a moments notice when the fire elemental hugged Horror. Horror patted the creatures back and butted heads with it. Leaving a dark red smear across his head.
"Saaaaaa-ns" Grillby groaned.
The sans in question smiled at him. The monster put him down and Horror nodded to the other three waving them over to the bar. Dust and Killer sat on either side of him. Nightmare sitting beside Killer.
Grillby seems to say something to his Sans but it sounds like garbled nonsense. Horror nods in response seeming to understand.
Nightmare shakes his head.
Grillby growls at the other three and Horror startles his date mates with a fearsome growl right back at the burning monster. Grillby backs down after a moment of hesitation and sets them up with four drinks each filled with some sort of amber liquid.
Horror swigs his down quickly and twitches at the strength. "Did you add some drug in this Grillz?"
Grillby only hums in approval. Horror sighs and turns to Killer, Dust, and Nightmare. "Sorry about that. This is grillbys fire whiskey except in my universe he adds some extra kick to it. It's deadly in high dosages and he doesn't measure how much he adds so don't do what I just did. Heh..."
Nightmares eyes widen and he quickly confiscates Killer's but leaves Dust's. Horror chuckles and Killer gasps in fake astonishment. "Boss man you wound me."
"I know how much self-preservation you have Killer and it's in the negatives."
Dust grumbles out a giggle and sips the drink. His eye twitches and he has to take a deep breath for his vision to come back. "Holy fuck, you weren't kiddin'. Horror only nods and smiles patting his friends back.

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