Fucking Dumbass

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Fell has a lot of trouble sleeping. Especially on nights when the bad Sanses were hiding in his au. Sure he permitted it and he agreed with what they fought for. But that doesn't make them any less dangerous. Plus there's one in particular who won't keep his distance from him.
Fell woke up at around 3:30 tonight. he walked outside his room quietly and jumped when he saw a red orb at his feet.
There by his door was Horror. He watched him silently, Fell began to sweat under that empty glare.
Fell listened to make sure no one else woke up after he jumped. He then sighed and gestures to Horror mouthing 'what the fuck'.
Horror tilted his head and rose to his feet. Following Fell down the steps. (It always freaked Fell out how quiet Horror was when he wanted to be.)
Horror lightly grabbed his hand, Fell flinched. Horror's eye shrunk and half lidded into a sad look. He ran to the other room and before Fell could follow he came back with a mug.
Fell lightly took the mug smelling it's contents. It smelled of dark chocolate. Coco. Fell looked up confused.
Horror finally spoke, quiet and rough, "Every night you wake up at around this time, I thought some warm coco would help you rest..."
Fell almost chuckled at that. Smiling nervously he took a sip, holding back a moan at how good it tasted. "So is that why you were creeping outside my room?"
"Didn't mean to be creepy, heh...I'm not good with communication, and my notes said-"
"Your notes?"
Horror's eye lite slowly became lidded once more but this time out of uncertainty.
"Yeah, my memory is pretty shit. So I carry around this notebook in my jacket to remember things. My notes said to try to help you sleep."
Fell chuckled quietly, "that's actually really fucking sweet,"
Horror blushed and his eye-lite widened.
Fell gave his mug back to Horror after finishing it. He actually did feel tired now. He wanted to thank the unintentionally creepy monster but didn't know how. Instead he said, "G'night Horror"
"Sleep well Fell" Horror answered smiling half-heartedly. Fell thought he looked hopeful, which was a strange expression on that monsters face. Not necessarily a bad one though. Fell went back to sleep, comfortably for once.

The next morning Fell woke up at 12:30. He stretched in his bed. Put on his collar, sweater, jacket, and shorts. And walked downstairs where he was greeted to Horror making his gang breakfast with Fell's Papyrus. At the warm atmosphere and scene in his usually cold and lonely house.
Fell smiled and sat down beside Nightmare.
Night spoke softly to Fell, "I'm sorry about Horror, he's not very good at socialising. He accidentally makes people uncomfortable because of that."
Fell could tell he obviously was worried he was going to kick them out. It was funny to see Nightmare the king of negativity so worried.
Fell laughed and rested his head in his arms.
"It's kinda adorable actually. And I figured out he meant well. Just a dumbass like the rest of ya."

Nightmare glared and playfully shoved Fell. But he caught Night smile at him in relief.
Together the gang and the Fells enjoyed the bright morning.

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