Paw patrol: Secret service

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(September 15 2020)

Chase: It's such a lovely day. I am so happy to have skye. Nothing can go wrong.

Skye: I so agreed

Ryder: Hey chase,Skye. Can I talk to you for a minute?

Chase and Skye: sure Ryder what is up?

Ryder: I just got a message from James M. Murray Head of the United States secret service. Him and his men Heard about us and wanted to have Chase join the Secret Service for 3 months .I also asked if you could go skye Because you are dating and he said yes. He said He wanted to train have chase because of all the missions he has

been doing and he is an expert cop.

Chase and Skye: Oh my goodness we accept.

Other pups: Nice job chase and Skye.

Chase and Skye: Oh hi guys and thanks.

Other pups: no problem.

Ryder: Hello pupsI was just about to call you to tell you what was going on.

Marshall: I can't believe you want to join the Secret Service For 3 months chase and Skye I am going to miss you two.

Chase:We are going to be fine Marshall. . You don't have to worry

Marshall: . I know buddy

Ryder: I am going to tell MR. Murray that you guys accept the offer.

(Ryder talks to James M. Murray)

Chase and Skye: well what did he say

Ryder: He said you are leaving in two days by plane for Washington DC so you have enough time To Pack your stuff then we will fly to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. They are setting up a apartment for you at The Lansburgh

425 8th St NW, Washington, DC. Once you unpack at the apartment you will be able to go to the White House and protect it.

Chase: this is going to be awesome

Skye: agreed chase!

Ryder: you are flying first class for free just so you know.

Chase and Skye: this will be so fun!

(Two days later at the Adventure Bay airport 8:00 am)

Chase: goodbye guys

Skye: yah goodbye

Other pups: goodbye chase and Skye.

(Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport 12:15 pm October 17 2020)

Chase: we are here finally

Skye: I know this is so cool

???: ahhh Chase and skye It is good to meet you.

Chase and Skye:Who are you.

Steve: Oh I'm Sorry! My name is Steve and I am Captain Steve of the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division. I am in charge of our special agents and you guys. I am driving you to your apartment.

Chase and Skye: so cool.

(At the apartment)

Captain Steve: Here you go guys. you have all day to unpack. I will see you tomorrow.

Chase and Skye: thank you sir.

Captain Steve: no problem.

(The next day at the White House)

Captain Steve: OK guys here's your tools. Bullet proof vest. I am also giving you a SIG Sauer P229 with a .357 SIG round. I am also giving you a FN P90 with 50 FN 5.7×28mm rounds. You also get an ASP 16" baton and a pepper spray. Are you easy to protect?

Chase and skye: Yes captain Steve sir.

(2 months later and Nothing really has happened except a single security breach but that was stopped without lethal force but that is about to change)

Radio: All units There's an armed subject in the East Wing. He Is Armed with a Glock 17 and has body armor. All units respond immediately. The president is in his bunker and is ok.

Chase: are you ready skye:

Skye: yes I am let's go.

(In The East wing November 25 2020 2:00 pm)

Skye: I see him. Stop right there.

Mayor humdinger: never! Hahahaha.

Skye: Mayor humdinger?

Mayor humdinger: yah it's me. For trying to ruin my plans of taking over the White House. I'm going to have to kill you.

(Mayor Humdinger then fires his gun at skye)

Chase: NO!

(Chase Fires his FN P90 Twenty times killing Mayor humdinger)

Chase: Shots fired shots fired Suspect and officer down. Get us ems now.

(Goes to skye)


Chase: You're going to be fine.

Ems: what are the injuries.

Chase: Skye Is hit her armor 3 times. I think Mayor Humdinger is dead on scene. He has 15 body wounds and 5 head wounds.

Paramedic: agreed!

(Skye is sent to Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital in Roanoke, Virginia)

Chase:hey guys

Pups: Oh hey Chase how is skye?

Chase: Skye is fine. They were able to remove the bulldogs from her but she is in a medically induced coma.They think she'll be up by December 20th. Just in time for Christmas!

Zuma: oh that is good I guess. I hope she's OK, I hate when a pup gets injured as I get worried.

Chase: I know buddy I know.

(December 20 2020 12:00 on )

Skye: ohhh my head. Where am I? What happened?

Chase: hey skye you're ok. You Got Shot by mayor humdinger. All that matters is that you're fine.

Skye: thank you Chase you are so sweet

Dr James: Ah i we our patient is awake. I see you are OK. . That is good. You can be relieved on the 24th. Christmas eve.

Skye: oh nice.

Chase: Hey skye.

Skye: yah.

Chase: I talked to Captain Steve and he said that we can go home.

Skye: oh cool. That is good to hear.

(Christmas Eve December 24, 2020 4:00 pm adventure bay)

Chase: Yes we are home.

Skye: I know I am so happy.

Marshall: I'm happy you're home chase.

Chase: Thanks buddy!

Marshall: no problem man.

(Christmas day 2020 8:00 am Everyone shared presents And chase GIves skye ) The best present

Chase: Here is your present Skye:

(Skye opens it)

Skye:oh my goodness a photo thank you. I love this photo.

Chase: no problem skye. I Iove you.

Skye: I love you too chase

(They kiss)


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. I just thought it in my head of chase and Skye being secret service agents. I liked that idea so I wrote it. Anyways . it is good to see you guys and I will see you later


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