The death of a friend

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Hello guys. Here I am again to do this one shot. This was originally going to be a song but I made it into a one shot.. This one shot is going to be sad..... I'm not going to bore you with my boring typing.. Let's begin this one shot..—----------It's a beautiful day today... Mayor Goddway wants to do a concert on may 30th.. The day I met 

Marshall. I got a song that I will play for him.. I can't wait to sing it then.. It's 17 days away.. Says chase.

Marshall appears and goes to talk with chase.

Hey chase.. How are you doing buddy? Asks chase

I'm good. Just going to rehearse for my song... I just got to get good at singing the song... says chase

That's awesome. I hope you do well.. I'm practicing my song too.. I'm going to sin-

Marshall is interrupted by their pup tags lighting up..


Ryder needs us to chase and Marshall as they go to the elevator in the lookout but as they arrive 

Marshall trips on chase and they all fall down..

Sorry guys. I guess we are going on a trip.. Says Marshall

Everyone laughs as they go up. Soon they are at the top and get in line..

Paw Patrol ready for action Ryder sir. Says chase..

Thanks for coming guys.. We have got a big fire at Mr. porter's restaurant. Alex is trapped in the building so this is going to be an ultimate rescue.. . I need all paws on deck.. Marshall.. I need you to put out the fire and try to rescue Alex.. Chase, I need you to secure the area around it and help put out the fire after that.. Rocky, Zuma, Skye and rubble. I need you to put out the fire.. Let's go, paw patrol is on a roll..

The pups howl and they get into their ultimate fire rescue vehicle and drive off to the scene where they see the fire raging and Mr. Porter screaming that Alex is in the building. Chase goes to secure the scene as the pups go to put out the fire..

Ryder.. Alex is in there.. I have to get him out.. I have to go in or he will die.. says Marshall with a ton of concern

I trust you Marshall. Just be careful.. Ays Ryder with worry..

I will Ryder say Marshall as he goes into the building..

Alex where are you.. Asks Marshall as he searches and hears him yelling..

I"m in The upstairs bedroom.. Yells Alex.

Marshall goes to the bedroom and breaks open the door and goes to Alex as he hears a creaking sound.

We have to go.. The building is unstable.. Says Marshall

Alex nods.. Marshall goes back the way he came until he hears a cracking sound around him..


Marshall runs with Alex and as Alex goes outside, however at the same time Marshall gets crushed by rubble..

Alex are you ok? says chase as he brings him to safety..

Yes, but where is Marshall, Alex asks as he looks around.

OH NO.. Ryder.. Marshall is still in there.. We have to go i- chase says before he gets interrupted by a horrible sound

The pups look at the building looks very unstable.. The building frame is cracking and the sound of shaking is heard almost like the sound of an earthquake.. Eventually the frames start to collapse because of the fire and soon the building collapses with a loud crashing sound as the pups look in horror as they realize marshal was still in there..

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