The relationship drama

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Hello everyone, Sorry if I have not updated this book in a while but I'm here and I'm going to update again. Enough talking let's get into the book.


Narrator: It is a cool December morning in Adventure bay. It was December 23 and it was almost Christmas. It Snowed last night so the pups are playing together in pairs in the snow. Chase and Skye, Marshall and Everest, Rocky and Zuma, Rubble and Sweetie. Chase and Skye are dating and things seem to be doing good But that will soon change.

(same day at 12:00 pm)

Chase: It is a beautiful December day today. It's nice and cool outside and I have Skye to

hang out with. I love her and I don't wanna lose her. I'm going to take a walk

Narrator: While Chase goes on a walk Skye is at the Pier with someone.

Skye: It is nice to hang out with you. The ocean looks lovely.

???: I agree Skye the ocean does look lovely. Just like you.

Skye: Aww thanks lucas.

Lucas: No problem Skye. Oh shoot, I gotta go. I will catch up with you tomorrow,

Skye: ok i will see you tomorrow.

(they kiss)

Narrator: just before lucas left

Chase: I'm getting bored so I'm going to Take a walk.

Narrator: Chase then goes to walk to the beach

Chase: It's such a beautiful day. I love the warm weather.

Narrator: Chase walks to the beach and sees Skye with another guy and hides behind a bush.

Chase whispering: who is that?

Narrator: Chase sees them talking and Skye kissing him before he walks away.

Chase whispering: oh my god Skye is cheating on me. I can't believe it.

(Skye Leaves)

Chase: What do I do? I know I'll follow her tomorrow and take a photo of her cheating. Then I will confront her because I will have proof At that point.

Narrator: Chase goes out the next day in the morning to get photographic proof that Skye is cheating on him. He follows her to The pup park and takes photos of them kissing and hugging.

Chase: ok I'm going to go back to the lookout and get the photos ready.

(As chase walks to the lookout he bumps into Lucas)

Lucas: Ow hey watch it bud.... Hey, your chase from the paw patrol. I'm so sorry I was just thinking and you bumped into me and....

Chase: hey chill it's fine. Stuff like this happens.

Lucas: yeah. So what are you doing here with the camera?

Chase: Oh I'm just taking photos of the city for memories..

Lucas: You saw me with Skye didn't you?

Chase: yeah I did. Twice now.

Lucas oh god. I'm so sorry. I really think Skye is so cute and kind and caring. That's why I like her but I probably shouldn't be with her since you two are dating. I wouldn't be surprised if you hated me.

Chase: yep. You are right but you shouldn't be with her but I'm not going to hate you. People Make mistakes in life and you just have to correct them and move on.

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