A Death leads to love

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. My iPad broke and I had to wait till my family could fix my iPad. My family was renovating the house. Anyways I'm gonna start this one shot. I will See you later.


Narrator: it was a sad spring day for adventure bay. It was Cloudy and gloomy. The reason.... One of the members was dead.. one of the pup's friends was dead. They were all close to him. Let's check out what's going on.




Chase: I can't believe this. The day has come that I have lost my friend. My best

friend Marshall is dead and it's all my fault. I can still hear his voice.

(Flashback start)

Ryder: chase I need you to clear the area so no one gets hurt

Chase: I'm on it...

(Chase secures the scene)

Ryder: Marshall I need you to go on top of the bell on top of city hall to get chickaletta down.

Marshall: I'm on it.

Narrator: Marshall puts his ladder up and goes up it to get chickaletta but something bad will happen.

Ryder: Do you have chickaletta Marshall?

Marshall: almost... (reaches for her) got her..

(Marshall got chickaletta but Chickaletta blinds Marshall and pushes his hat down and Marshall starts to fall)

Ryder: MARSHALL... Chase, I need you to use your net to save Marshall.

Chase: I'm on it.

Narrator: but Before chase can use his net Cali arrives and makes him sneeze and

chase is unable to use his net and Marshall hits the floor after falling about 200 feet)

Ryder and chase: MARSHALL...

(Chase and Ryder run to marshall and check him who is unconscious)

Chase: We need to get him to Katie now.

Ryder: Ok I will tow his truck with him in it. I need you to escort me.

Chase: Ok I'm on it....

Narrator: Chase and Ryder get Marshall to Katie and call the other pups.

Rocky: I hope Marshall is ok... we need him

Zuma: I know dude. What Awe we going to do without him. I hope Mawshall survives.

(A half hour later Katie comes out looking sa)

Chase: Katie is Marshall ok....

Katie: I'm sorry guys but he didn't survive. He broke all 4 femur, 3 tibias and 3 paws. He broke his neck. He broke his cervical spine from c1-5 c1 injuries are not easily survivable. He also broke 6 ribs and 2 ribs impaled his lungs. That caused a severe pneumothorax. I'm sorry but he had too many injuries.

Chase: NOOO.... MARSHALL... PLZ NO NO No.... NOOOOO...

(Ryder, chase and skye cried the most because they knew each other the most.. still rocky, zuma and rubble cried too because Marshall was their friend. And Everest cried as much as Ryder, chase or skye because she loved Marshall.

(End flashback)

Narrator: It had been 2 weeks and the funeral for Marshall was today. It was a sad day because Adventure Bay lost a hero. And the pups lost a friend. Chase was going to do a eulogy and a poem. Skye set up the preparations with help from others. Everest helped do preparations too and planned everything.

(The funeral. 10:05)

Ryder: If you never met Marshall... Marshall was a fun, loving, caring, energetic pup who loved his friends and never gave up till the end. A good pup who did good things. I will never forget him.

Mayor goodway: thank you Ryder. For our next speaker ,I'm proud to introduce.. chase.

(Chase steps up)

Chase: thank you Mayor goodway. Marshall... was a good pup. Good at doing funny jokes and having a good time.. he was so nice.. gentle. I remember when I first met him. I was adopted by Ryder a month earlier from the city.. I was in adventure bay and I was done helping Mr Porter when I heard a commotion. I saw Marshall who was about my age, he was being yelled at by some guy who was like 20 years old. The guy kicked him and I came up and yelled at him to stop and he kicked me. So I bit him. He tried to get me off and hit me but I didn't stop. Ryder and Mr Porter got me off him and called the cops. I told the cops what happened and they arrested the guy. We bonded like friends and became best friends and then brothers. I loved him like a brother with all my heart. I remember when he went to save Jake and got lost and wh we found him after asking if he was scared he said "being in the dark doesn't scare him.. when you're here." It was so nice to know he cared about me. And I swear that I will never forget him... Now I am going to read a poem. The poem is nothing gold can stay by Robert frost.


Nature's first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold...

Her early leaf's a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day...

Nothing gold can stay....

(Chase steps down from the podium crying and skye comforts him)

Narrator: after the funeral at 12:30 pm. The pups sat around after eating lunch, they

didn't eat much because of how upset they were. Chase had been standing at Marshall's grave since after they had lunch. Skye was worried about chase and wanted to talk to him. She did love him after all. Skye walks to chase and goes to talk to him.

(Skye taps on chase's back)

Chase: oh.. hey Skye. What's up..

Skye: I'm worried about you chase.. I know you're upset but we need to move on..

Chase: I don't know how.. Marshall is dead. It's my fault.. I didn't cast my net.

Skye: It wasn't your fault. Cali made you sneeze and you couldn't cast your net. We just need to move on. I know how you feel, Marshall was a brother to m...

Chase: YOU DON'T KNOW.... Marshall was a brother to me and now he is dead. How can I move on?

Skye: We can move on together. I love you chase. I love you and I always will. I know you're upset but together... we can move on if we do it together. We just keep Marshall in our heart and never forget him. Even if he died.. he is not forgotten.. he will be always in our heart. We just need to remember that..

Chase: Skye... I love you too. You're right and I'm sorry I yelled. I just really miss him.

Skye: It's ok. I know you're just upset. Like I said we can move on together. I love you.

Chase: I love you too. And Thank you.

Skye: You're welcome chase.

(Chase and skye kiss)

Chase: Let's go back to the lookout.

Skye: I agree.

(The end)


Hello everyone. Sorry I have not updated in a long time. Like I said my iPad broke and we were redoing the house and they took a while to get it replaced. But I'm back. Anyways it's good to see you guys and I'll see you next time. Goodbye.

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