Rap battle 3

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Hello everyone welcome back to rap battles...  i'm not going to chat for too long but I just want to thank everyone for the reads and favorites and support. I hope you guys are doing good.. now let's get into this story..

Please note there will be swearing because this is a rap battle,. I'm not going to come or them either because I should be fine because there's nothing too bad here..


Hello adventure bay and welcome to the third ever rap battle concert. Today's battle is  between Chapper Chase and Da Real Zuma!!! Contestants are you ready to battle.. Asks mayor goodway. 

Yes we are, says chase and Zuma.

Ok let's flip the coin to see who goes first. Mayor goodway says.

I choose heads. Says Chapper Chase..

I choose tails, says Da Real zuma..

Ok let's flip it..

The coin flips and it land on..






The coin has landed on tails..  Da Real zuma goes first. Good luck to both of you.. says mayor goodway..

Mayor Goodway turns on the song on the pc.

Hey everybody is Da Real zuma and I'm as fucking savage as a mother fucking  puma.. I'm gonna beat up chapper chase and I go to put him into space and try to shoot his fucking face and torture him with all his mace.. he's a fat piece of shit and I will try to take his crush Skye as he takes a shit... I will mow you down and I will take your crown then I'll drag your Ass down and throw it underground..  Im gonna murder skase and launch you ass to space you stupid bitch ass chick dick prick. says da real zuma with tons of energy..

The crowd cheers Withe excitement.

Holy cow that was intense.. how the heck is going to respond... let's find out..

3.. 2... 1.. GO... the pc plays the song..

Ya.. it's the real one.. try to fuck with me I'll get strap with my Glock and load my clip. And shoot your hip.. try to mess with me an I'll cap your fat ass Boi... he said  he wants to bring me to space stupid bitch.. well I ought to grab The shotty and cap you because your so naughty...  you ain't no puma, you are just a dirty booma.. don't try to cap me in the face cause I will whack you with the club till your in space.. oh wait ur in hell bitch.. You try to take Skye  I'm gonna make you hurl and then I will try to go to hit you With a big ass girl.. You try to be a crook and take Skye now when you say your gay... we'll now  I will shoot you with the chopper even though I am a copper you young dick.. you try to end skase and ill take ur mace and choke ur face until you pass out and then I'll rip your ass out because you are whack and I will say that because you like to smoke crack. Don't ever try to fuck with me because ill Smack your back because you're very very crazy... or should I say whack.. I hate you back beech... says Chapper Chase with rage

The crowd cheers very loud.

Ohhhh..  Da real zuma got burned... let's go to the judges and see what they decide.. our judges include mr Porter.. mayor humdinger and  our special guest.. rapper Kanye west.. let's leave it to the judges folks.

Five minutes later the judges speak up..

We have made a decision says mr porter.. my choice or rapper was chase..

My decision for the better rapper is Zuma even though I hate both days mayor humdinger..

I've seen a lot of Energy in both of these rappers... both of them had energy but I admired chase's energy  more and his skill, vocabulary and replies were on point..so Chase is my pick... says Kanye west with a nostalgic look..

 I have it here folks. Chase is today's winner says mayor good way with glee..

Everyone hugs chase including Zuma..

You did good dude.. that was a wadical comeback says zuma...

Thanks man.. i'm still surprised I won.. says chase with glee

Ahem... chase. For winning this concert I present you this plaque commemorating your win.. says Kanye west as he gives chase The plaque..

Thank you man.. I appreciate it.. and your work too.. your music is amazing, especially your first four albums.. says chase

Thank you chase.. you know I could train you become a better rapper and you can get famous.. what do you say? Says Kanye with confidence..

I'm sorry sir but as much as I want to do that I have my friends and family here And they need me... I'm sorry says chase with a bit of sadness...

I'm not gonna hold it against you then...  if you change your mind just call me says Kanye as he writes down his number and gives it to chase and then leaves...

3 cheers for chase says Ryder 

Hip hip hooray.... Hip hip hooray... Hip hip hooray.. says the pups

Thank you guys you're the best... let's go home says chase with happiness

The pups go home and that night chase goes to talk to Skye..

Knock knock

Come in says Skye

Hey Skye can I talk to you.. chase asks Skye

Sure.. you know Chase you did really good today... it's funny that zuma said thought you had a crush on me.. says skye

We'll.. it's true... for the longest time skye I have liked.. no loved you.. I always think about you  and how kind you are to me and how kind and sweet you are... what are you saying is that I was wondering if you go out with me? Says chase who is nervous

Skye goes up to chase and kisses him passionately for 10 seconds..

I love you too chasey... I always loved it when you worried about me says skye flirtatiously.

Thank you... I just wee are at base 1 and.. says chase before he is interrupted

We don't need to talk about the bases or love, thank you very much.. says skye with annoyance...

Oh come on skye.. we're going to get there eventually.. maybe we will move to Florida and have puppies... i would work as a police officer and support our family.. you feel me right? says chase with a grin..

You get what you saying but that will come later... but we will eventually have pups, I will tell you that much. Says Skye

Yah... hey do you want to go to Mr. Porters for a date tomorrow? At 12:00 pm asks chase

I would love to baby.. but for now let's go to bed.. it's late... you can sleep here for tonight.. says skye with excitement..

Thank you baby. good night..says chase as he kisses her as he  falls asleep

Good night chase.. may skase which is our ship name prevail.. says skye before she falls asleep..

The next day chase and Skye go out for their date. Both of them knew the love love they had would last and that in the end

True love will always prevail


Hello guys and thank you forReading this chapter... it would mean a lot to me if you wanna vote this chapter and comment what you think... damn I sound like a YouTuber now.. anyways I hope you enjoyed this and I will see you next time..


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